Of Possible Traitors

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"There is a traitor among us."

Those were the words Roxas heard as he suddenly appeared into this room. The architecture was similar to The Master's workshop except the chamber didn't have any gears on the walls and in the center of it had a round table with seven seats. There were five people in the room. Ava, Gula, and Invi were all sitting around the table with the former two next to each other. Ira and Aced were standing not that far away.

The Nobody immediately knew that he was in some sort of meeting. But there was two things that were off putting to him.

The first was that Ira had apparently started it by calling out a traitor among them. Why would he even do that. During the last part of his dream he had seen that the five of them were very close to each other. So in what way were one of them a traitor.

Plus openly declaring a traitor was not a logical strategy at all. It could give the traitor the chance to turn blame onto someone else in the panic and succeed in staying hidden.

The second was that he couldn't sense The Master anywhere. With the amount of energy that man was admitting it would be difficult to conceal unless he didn't want to be found.

But from talking to him Roxas could understand that he was very close to his students and wouldn't part from them unless he had no choice.

He didn't know how long had past lunch the last part of his dreams, but he did know that it was probably a good idea to listen to them to get a better idea of what was going on.

"Are you certain? What proof do you have?" Invi inquired from her seat.

With a sigh Ira held out one of his hands. He began to gather energy into his palm before it formed into bright sphere of light. Suddenly it dimmed to reveal a projection of a familiar shape.

It was a Chirithy like the one in the flask, except for some major differences alongside this one being much larger and mature. Instead of the grey fur he saw, it had taken a dark purple hue with it's ears being pink and it's snout and stomach being yellow. It's eye went from being narrow and blue, to spherical and glowing crimson. It had a black purse around it's neck with some kind of sigil on it with a pink cape.

"I found this sniffing around the castle last night. Unfortunately as soon as it noticed me, it disappeared." Ira said.

As soon as he said that the Foretellers grew worried.

"Is that..a dark Chirithy?" Ava inquired. The implication seemed to sink in around the room until a gasp rose out from the side of the table, getting everyone's attention.

"No...it's a Nightmare!" Invi said in shock, breaking her usual calm façade. This caused everyone gasp in shock as they looked over the projection.

"So that's a Nightmare." Roxas said studying the projection up close. The Chirithy seemed to be studying it's surroundings.

It didn't seem malicious or anything like that. In fact it just seemed curious about were it was. Possibly indicating that it had either recently formed or that it was simply surveying the castle. Then as if the projection noticed someone gave its best glare and vanished in plume of darkness, cutting the projection off.

But one thing stumped Roxas was if one of the apprentices were traitors, then how come he didn't sense any change of the balance in their hearts. It was practically the same for each of them. So unless any of them could cloak their darkness then he had no clue that anyone of them is a traitor.

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