The Master and the Foretellers

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"This is new?" Roxas said as he examined his surroundings.

He was in some kind of spacious workshop with the walls aligned with stain glass windows and candle lit lamps. On the left side of him was a ton of bookshelves blocking him from seeing the rest of the room and to his right side were two massive blue gears turning in motion. To the back of him was a wall with the largest stain glass window in the room. In front of him was a large desk with a shelve above it. All across it were books, ink holders, papers, quilts, and various other writing equipment and other items strewn about.

Roxas could tell that it was another dream like the last time. If he had a guess about his current location it would be inside the castle in his last dream due to the gears.

He was pondering how this was related to Ava when he suddenly collapsed onto his knees due to a massive amount of pressure being emitted in his general direction.

"Wh-what is this?!" Roxas groaned out. He could barley stand it for a few moments before he slowly got used to the pressure as he began to compose himself.

"Well that is impressive. It took a bit longer for most of my apprentices to get used to that." A voice said behind Roxas. "The only ones who have beaten your record are Ira and Ava. Well you have also tied in with Luxu, but congratulations are in order anyway!"

The sound of clapping erupted behind Roxas and he nearly summoned his Keyblades when he saw the figure behind him. But he didn't summon his Keyblades as he had sensed the man's power.

It was absolutely massive. In fact the closest thing that he could compare it to was the Kingdom Hearts that he had a part in creating before Sora woke up. Of course it was incomplete before Riku captured him, but it was still radiated power like crazy. Even then the man was not that far behind it in terms of power.

The figure in question was a man of unknown age wearing the Organization coat with his hood up. Roxas could not make out any details about the man as the coat hid pretty much everything. He was clapping his hand onto his forearm as in his left hand was an orange flask. Inside it was a small cat plush like creature that was currently curled up and asleep.

Roxas would have asked what that creature was, but he had another question in mind.

"You can see me?!" He said surprised. In his last dream no one could interact with or hear him at all. So to see a man wearing the Organization's cloak and having that much power behind him did not bode well for the Nobody.

"You are correct, in fact I'm the only one who can interact with you in your current state Roxas. But it won't be for long as you'll see later." The man said as he stopped clapping. "But for now it is time for your prize! It won't change anything about the exam when you wake up, but I suggest you start practicing mixing magic energies. I suggest for a start to mix fire and ice plus a little wind for effect as it is one of the easiest combinations to learn. After that improve your repertoire a quite a bit then continue to experiment. But hey it is your choice to accept my advice or not. Still I suggest you to at least give it a try when you wake up okay?"

The tone of the last sentence was serious and the young Keyblade wielder could only gulp at the sudden change in demeanor at the man's posture.

"Alright." Roxas said a little nervously. It wouldn't hurt to take this man's advice or to stay on his good side.

But there was one thing that he picked up on.

The man knew who he was, the fact that he was currently dreaming, and the fact that he was from the future from when he mentioned the exam. The fact that the man also mentioned Ava's name didn't bode well for him.

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