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Kirstin's P.O.V.- Two Hours Later...

The new men all have weapons on them, the electric batons strapped on their waists and their sidearms in plain sight. Standing perfectly still, I examine each ones face, skimming their minds on what the plan is, though they all seem to be thinking of if they were going to survive the fight or not, no one's mind holding the plan clearly enough for me to get an idea of it.

The three in front of me charge at the same time, going for a melee approach. I kick one in the face, easily knocking him on his ass before punching on in the gut and catching the other's arm and twisting it as far as it can go. I then kick the back of his knee, watching him drop before kneeing him in the face. The other men behind me get in my weak spot pretty quickly.

I spin taking out two on the left by the time on electric baton hits my side, earning a Yelp from me. I hurriedly move to defeat this one when another hits me, followed by at least six others, all pressing them into my skin, the smell of burning flesh clear as more begin to join them, the electricity frying the skin as it heals. The pain builds quickly while I begin to convulse from the high voltage of energy running through me. Stop! Make it stop! It. Needs. To. Stop.

A burst of power unwillingly leaves my body, my screech filling the room. I drop limply to the ground, the men all blasted away. They were probably recollecting themselves right now, preparing to blast me full of electricity. Not in the mood to continue fighting, the two hours of it putting a strain on me, I curl up burying my head into my arms.

Instead of the boots I expected, I hear the two sets of doors open, one sliding and one a simple clock of the door handle turning, "That was wonderful Princess. I think you've just unlocked a new ability." Jonathan's cheerful voice ringing in my head, and making me want to commit at his glee, I sit up my eyes scanning the room for the men that I was going against. What I saw made me want to scream, though I kept my composure.

The men that had been attacking me now appeared to be melded into the wall, their arms the only thing visible besides a glimpse of a few horrified faces. Oh, God. I did this. "Guess so." Releases from my mouth, sounding bleak despite my attempted calm facade.

He sent a nod towards the others, one last statement before he exits. "These ones will be in charge of you for a while, along with a few of my most trusted guards." The grim delight is still clear on his face, his eyes gleaming in a way that you'd only see in a psychotic murderer, especially considering the scene in front of us. He turns gracefully, marching out of the room and out of view.

Lorna carefully helps me up, guiding me back to the room, Marco in front of us and John behind.


I watch through the bathroom mirror as Lorna does my hair, counting down in her head. She finishes quickly guiding me into the mirrorless room and shutting the bathroom door. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... the red lights on the cameras flicker off, and the four people around me seem to visibly relax.

The newest one, Emma, is the first one to speak. "The cameras and voice devices shut off at midnight every night, and don't come back on until eight A.M. It's why you're assigned so many night guards." The blonde woman moves to perch in the chair that sits in the corner of my room.

"Who do you guys work for? Since you clearly don't work for them." I act as confidently as I can, not letting them see my anxiety. The door swings open moments later, revealing a few more guards. A woman with a pixie cut strolls into the room, closely followed by a dirty blonde man. Sage and Augustus.

"He prefers to be called Pulse, Sweety." My head snaps up at the direct response to my thoughts. Right. The blonde woman is another telepath.

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