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Kirstin's P.O.V.- Three Weeks Later...

"I don't know how you talked them into letting you three come without them," Clary mutters, flicking on the blinker as Magnus tells her which way to turn. Magnus was in the passenger seat, which means Jace and I were stuck in the back: Natasha, Clint, and the other Shadowhunters riding in cars behind us.

"Well, it's a stealth mission, meaning that wearing red, white, and ducking blue is a dead give away. Bucky can't go, if Hydra gets a hold of him he's screwed. While Tony has a stealth mode, he tends to have a flair for the dramatics, Thor is just loud, and Banner isn't stealthy in any form. Besides, I called in a friend or two. Someone who can be good at stealth when he wants to be." Wade needed to get out of the house for a while since Russell had moved to the X-Mansion with the rest of the kids from the orphanage, he's spent most his time watching crappy movies and eating old Mexican food.

"Still, you have to admit, we don't have the best track record against Sebastian," Jace mutters.

I turn to face him, "Yeah, well... I'm a big girl, I can handle myself. Besides, you were the one that defeated him in the first place..." I trail off, something in the mirror catching my eye. The car behind us swerved out of nowhere, the car hitting the divider and flipping, barely missing the car on the other side. I hear a gun loading from somewhere behind us, and act when the bullets fire

I shove Jace forward harshly against the front seat as I dive into the front of the car, the bullet digging right where his head previously sat. I wrap my legs around Clary, using them to pull her towards me and forward, her head bouncing off the dashing the process. At the same time, I jerk Magnus' torso forward, to the point that I roll off of his lap and onto the ground. Headshots, all three.

The car crashes into the one in front of us as I untangle myself, "Get out, get as many people to safety and get the hell out of dodge." I kick the window, watching as it shatters easily. "I'll get you a new car." I hear a round of protests go through the car, but ignore them to climb out of the window, easily walking down the hood and jumping off the side. I hear the gun reload, and go for a different approach this time, throwing up the illusion wall around where the sound (and the direction the bullets) came from. In reality, it's a mix between a telekinetic/illusionary barrier, but it works, giving me time to get the people in the cars cleared out of the New York Traffic, along with the pedestrians on the sidewalks around us.

Opening a car door from the car in front of us, I quickly stop a fist flying to punch me. I hear the bullets ring out, hitting the wall every time. "Hey, Hey, Hey!" I grab both of the woman's arms holding them still. "I'm trying to help you okay!" I pull my phone out, quickly typing something in the memos and saving it. I then proceed to pop the back, pulling one of the two trackers I had placed on it. Just in case. I put the phone back together and hand it to the woman, unlocked. "Get your family to safety, use this and call the police, and the contact Tony Stark. Tell them there's an attack and they need to follow the tracker on the phone. Hang up, then break it. When they get to the location, tell them to recover the storage. Say Wanderess sent you, can you do that?" At her nod, I step out of her way, making sure to keep the tracker in my hand as I help pull the children out of the car.

Waiting until they were out of sight, I pull out the other burner phone from my pocket, quickly setting up a delayed activation on the tracker. A week should do it. I pull a dagger off of the thigh holster hooked around my jeans. I take a large breath of air, watching as the others set to work clearing the road. Stabbing myself in the opposite thigh, I twist the blade, quickly shoving the tracker deep within the wound before it could heal. Yanking the blade out, soon the only tell that something happened is the hole in my jeans and the blood around it. Shit.

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