Kirstin moves quickly, teleporting to the base and putting her suit on before appearing to the bank. There were a group of criminals inside, six at the least, probably more in the back. She lets out a heavy breath, debating which approach would be better. Probably the civilian approach. She closes her eyes, focusing herself on what she wants to look like. Redhead, brown eyes. Civilian clothing. Unintimidating.

She walks out from behind a pillar, easily catching the criminals attention. "Hey! Get down on the ground!" She licks her lips, examining the guns. Handgun. This type only holds eight bullets each, every person has two. She scans the crowd of civilians who are on the ground, being patted down by some of the gloved robbers. Twenty-three people at least, no chances of survival if the guns aren't taken out first. Can't use any disabling techniques, too many people at risk, too many criminals with the guns. Take the guns out, clear an easy escape route. "Hello! Ginger, I'm talking to you! Down on the ground or I'll shoot you."

Kirstin sinks to her knees in front of her, carefully examining her. Bulletproof vest under the outfit. The woman's hand shakes as she points the gun at the younger girl. Nerves or nerve damage? She focuses in on the woman herself, watching her green eyes through the clown mask on her face. Nerves. Probably a newbie, mediocre fighting skills. The teenager jerks her leg out, knocking the girl's feet out from under her, sending the other people's guns up onto the ceiling. She roles over the girl's arm, grabbing the gun out of her hand as she rolls, shooting at the assailants and pressing her leg against her throat, cutting off her air supply.

Going for non-lethal but effective damage, she shoots the first guy in the knees, another in the foot and the thigh, and the last she just shot him in the junk. That should hold him over for a while. She then shoots the unconscious girl whose arm and throat she was crushing in the knees, just to make sure. Moves to shoot another advancing robber, the gun clicks, out of bullets. Shit, only seven bullets, she must've used one before I got here.

The illusion drops in her momentary panic, revealing the newest vigilante as her true identity. Throwing the gun, she ducks out of the way of a punch, catching the extended arm and using it to flip to her feet, pushing off the ground. She kicks him in the face in the process, and uses the momentum of her movements with the awkward angle she twisted his arm at, with an added bonus of her super strength, to snap his arm. Crying out in pain, he moves to kick her between the legs.

She catches his foot mid kick, releasing his newly broken arm in the process. She sends him a mock unimpressed look, "Wow, criminals just don't fight fair anymore do they?"

Her hand tightens its hold on the man's foot, hearing multiple cracks ring out with her heightened hearing. The man's voice is full of pain as he speaks, "You just shot my friend in the balls, you're one to talk about fighting fair."

She shrugs, smiling dully at the sound of his pain, no actual emotions portrayed. She didn't know why she was smiling, usually she would cringe at the sound, having heard it from her family members one too many times; now though, she was almost numb, her reactions seeming to be from another person entirely, "Yeah, well, you're criminals, fair fights aren't required from people like me and people like you. Have fun in jail." The gun comes flying to her hand while she speaks, so she bashes it against his head multiple times, watching as the blood begins to well over.

Dropping him like a rag doll, she moves to some of the others. She punches one in the face, only for him to be flung back and stuck to a wall, web design a dead give away, "Sorry I'm late, I was in the middle of helping Claire lookup lore." Peter's voice states, his heavy breathing heard over the comms.

Kirstin spartan kick another girl, and he shoots webs to trap her hands behind their heads, "You should ask her out already. I think she'd be down for a date with the infamous Spider Boy."

"You're such a jerk. I'm gonna make sure there's no one in the back, you got them." He questions, referring to the three guys who were seemingly debating their fates. They were glancing between the cop-riddled outside, and the girl.

"I got this, piss off Spider Boy." He mumbles something to Karen, moving to the back of the building. She pauses, smirking and flipping her hair over her shoulder, "So. Do you wanna walk out of here with your dignity and new flashy wrist ornaments? Or would you like to get your ass kicked by a rookie?"

Both of the clown-masked faces cocks to the side, a feminine one responding with about as much sass as she could, "I choose option three." A man behind her pulls an empty duffel around the throat, tightening it as much as physically possible, picking her up off of her feet. She lashes out with her powers, sending the two flying backward. FRIDAY's voice rings through her ears, claiming that backup is on its way. ETA five minutes.

Wanderess tugs at the strap, trying to find a way out of this that doesn't involve her passing out because that is not something she needs right now. Her feet slide along his legs as she attempts to find traction or at least a good point of impact. She draws her leg back, twisting around to kick one of his knees, causing him to drop to the ground, dropping her along with him. The black haired girl lands on her feet, spinning and grabbing his head before kneeing him in the face. Once. Twice. Three times. Four. She pulls back, watching him fall to the ground, only to flip the girl from earlier over her back when she comes charging at the teen.

With all the adrenaline in her veins, plus the feeling of the Darkness seeping through her at the feeling of beating a living, breathing thing, she turns to the last guy with a wicked smirk. Everything around the man was beginning to blur, Kirstin's own consciousness being nearly taken over by the Darkness that she's been absorbing over the past year and a half. In her mind, she was just going to knock him around long enough for Spidey to web them, which she was hoping would be soon. In reality, Natasha and Bucky ended up having to pull the volatile girl off the unconscious and beaten to a pulp man, while Spidey and the criminal's webbed friends watch.

She spun on them, kicking Natasha through the air and attempting to take Bucky down. While the assassin was strong and ruthless, the girl was twice the strength with half the body mass, making her faster. Most would say Kirstin had the advantage, except that Bucky had been trained for nearly three times her lifetime. This meant that even if she ends up tying with Steve everytime they spar, and learned tricks from every hunter she ever met, all of the Avengers except Bruce, and S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents Maria Hill, and Sharon Carter, it still barely even matched all he knew. That being said, she used her powers to force him onto the ground, only to be taken out by Natasha smashing her own bow staff against her head. Four times. Maybe five times. Just to be sure.

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