Kirstin's P.O.V.- The Next Day...

I groan, purposefully hitting my head on the desk, flipping Jack off as he laughs at me. "I'm supposed to be punching the shit out of a punching bag right now, not listening to you guys let your nerd flag fly," I mutter jokingly, talking to the closed file under my head as Tony and Bruce get the file together. We tested a few abilities last night, enough to prove that nearly all of Jack and my's reaction to the powers are the same. While the next part of Jack's testing required blood samples, mine required blood samples and more brain testing, which sucked. Though, Wilson was also one of the guinea pigs, and that made me feel better.

Since Wilson and Andi are two of the only normal humans, (at least by DNA and ability standards) they got stuck being the one we tested. This was due to Tony's disbelief that Natasha was completely human, and that she was with Sam and Dean on a hunt, Steve and Bucky having the serum altering their blood, Thor being a non-human being, Rhodes being busy, Wanda being Wanda, Avery hating needles, and Pepper out-right refusing to come near the lab while they were running tests on Jack and I. She didn't think it was right the way they were testing us like this, though we gave our complete consent to do this, and can back out at any time.

"We analyzed Sam's blood before, after, and during the hallucinating state you put him in." Bruce begins, only to be interrupted by me. I'm really good at interrupting.

"Okay, can I ask what we're calling these? Because I've heard illusion and hallucination and those are two different things. Both of which I can do." Sam snorts as I hit my head against the desk again.

"You're gonna give yourself brain damage." He points out, putting his hand between the desk and my forehead as I move to do it again.

I push his hand away, leaning back in the chair I was sitting in, "I couldn't if I tried. Healing factor, remember? One time, I cut off my hands to get out of handcuffs and reattached the hands to the stumps."

"That imagery will live on in all of my nightmares." Tony mutters quietly, turning back to the results FRIDAY had pulled up moments ago. "Anywho, I feel the need to point out that during the... what are we calling these things? I mean, honestly, we can't keep referring to them as two different mind fuckery abilities, because for her they are one in the same."

"Mind fuckery?" Wilson questions, looking between the people behind the desks. "That's the best name you could come up with?"

"I came up with that, Feathers. Problem?" I send the most convincing glare I could muster in my state of mind. I want to go curl up in the giant ass bed Tony bought me and over analyse Mason and I's conversation until I pass out, but instead I'm here with these guys trying to figure out powers I long-since gave up trying to figure out.

"Nope. Carry on." He concedes, leaning back in his chair. His clothes made it evident that he had either gone on his morning run before he got here, or was planning on it after we're done here. The first one is more probable.

"During the time you were sending Wilson to Loony Town," I flip him off while he speaks, earning a collective chuckle around the room, "his mind and his blood work seem to point towards him being on a hallucinogen. You're basically a walking, talking drug."

"Wow... I'm the literal definition of the quote 'My parents warned me about drugs in the streets, but never ones with blue eyes and a heartbeat.'" I laugh at the bored look Tony sent my way.

"I thought it was brown eyes?" Andi questions softly, half asleep next to Sam, head leaned on the back of her chair, looking at the ceiling.

"I thought it was green." Jack adds, a statement instead of the previous question.

"It's probably all of the above. It's been said so many times I doubt there isn't an eye color that hasn't been used." I give the two scientist a gesture to keep going.

"And Jack seemed to momentarily alter Andi's DNA while using his powers on her, which makes me curious why we didn't pick it up in his original blood tests. His blood, while during the testing, showed more unidentifiable alters to his blood. As in, we can't establish what these alters are, but they are clearly present. It faded afterward, along with the Nephilim abilities she was given. I want to set you two up for another test; seeing what powers you give others when you let them use your powers." Bruce pauses for a second, looking through my test results for a second. "As for Kirstin, when you..."

"Sent Wilson to Loony Town?" Tony offers, straight faced and everything.

"I am not saying that, Tony. It makes this sound like a joke, and this is serious. When you used your powers on Sam-"

"When she sent Wilson to Loony Town." Jack cuts in, a smile of his face.

"I should've never taught you how to be a smart ass. I knew I was going to regret it." I cut into the talking trio quickly, hitting Jack on the arm while Banner continues talking.

"-his brain showed signs of being on a for of hallucinogenic drug, because it altered certain functions of the brain; his vision and his mood. I wonder if you could develop your powers into what Wanda can do."

"You mean mind control." I say slowly, looking over as everybody around the room tenses.

"More or less, yeah. You could also probably access memories and alter what people know and remember. You could affect people's emotions too, if you tried." Bruce states, seemingly in wonderment of the possibilities while he continues to examine the results of Sam and I's tests.

"Now all we got to do is keep you away from egomaniacs who want to take over the world." Tony snarks, "Easy."

Sam spins in his chair, turning to face the billionaire, who had moved on to fiddling with his newest projects already, "Keep her away from them! We should be letting letting her loose on them, assuming she can do the things Bruce is suggesting. She could probably bring them to their knees like she did Than-"

I abruptly stand up, facing Tony. I attempt to keep my posture and body language natural, even as the images of the fight run through my head, "Doesn't Steve's shield need to be repainted, and beaten back into shape?" He had gotten the weapon dinged up pretty bad in the last mission; it had gotten lodged into a car while he was fighting a gunman. When he pulled it out, it had taken on more of an oval shape than its previous circular one.

Tony eyes me warily looking between the group of people and me. He quickly shakes off whatever he was thinking. "Yeah. Steve's room, tell him I sent you. If he needs more proof, which I highly doubt he will, he can ask FRIDAY. You copy, FRI?"

"I will relay the message if asked, Sir." Her voice rings out while I maneuver myself around Jack and Andi, getting in the lift and shooting Tony a quick thumbs up. An odd look appears on his face as the doors close. I let out a sigh, sinking to the ground, hearing the voice repetitive in my ear. It had to be done, Little One.

I press my face into my knee harshly, willing the memories away, willing the voice to shut up. It sounded so real, like he was standing right next to me. It had to be done. I am only trying to save the world from himself. I close my eyes, getting more focused, trying to get the voice to stop. This worked with Amelia, pushing the energy away until there was nothing to push away. She always came back of course, I couldn't hold her off forever, her energy was getting more rampant, anger fueling her fire. She had long since vanished; apparently, she had been attached to the copy of the Blackthorn ring that Sebastian had taken from me, but the key to keeping her away for as long as possible seem to be imprinted in my head.

The only problem with this, is there was no energy to grab. There was no spirit connection left over, no loved one he could be attached to. This is all in my head, and it sucked. It meant that Mason was probably right, I needed help. Either that, or the Darkness was building up faster than I thought.

I lean my head against the back wall of the lift, the mad titan's voice echoing in my head all the while. I fucking hate Spirit.

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