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Straub's View
The girls dragged us through the corridor of food places, Rose leading the way, dragging my arm behind her and Bella and Onii behind me with Bee. Suddenly Rose stopped and I bumped into her back.
"Rose?" I asked tentatively,
"One sec" She murmured, scanning the rows of shops.
"There!" She cried out and began tugging on my arm as she raced towards a kind of alleyway, tucked away and almost invisible if you weren't looking for it, we ran through it and I kept my eyes on the ground the whole time, avoiding the eyes of anyone who may be around. We reached the end and when Rose stopped again, I slowly raised my head to see a small Japanese place, the whole place was covered in intricate looking motifs.
They were along the walls and ceiling, the tables and chairs, it all looked very sweet, I lost myself in examining every little detail hidden within them.
Then we sat down and I remembered why I was in such a bad mood.

Bee's View
Although I was sure that I wouldn't be able to meet Mitchell's eyes if he did happen to look my way, I continued to try to catch his eye, but he refused to look my way, looking at everyone and everything except me.
After some time, I noticed he was studying the little decals that covered the restaurant, he was frowning in concentration. It was very cute. I smiled and he looked at me, that was when I froze, hoping that maybe...
Just maybe...
He'd forgive me...
But no. He flicked his eyes away as quickly as he could and I returned to my pit of self loathing.
Eric and Ben joined us and we ordered our food but I didn't pay attention to the conversation or the food or anyone around me.
Well anyone...
But Mitchell...

Sorry for vanishing for forever and a day.
Sorry that this chapter is so much shorter than past ones.

My only excuse is I kind of ran out of motivation... Mostly...

It's fine now though, I'll have a lot more time soon so hopefully I can write a little more!

Anyway, thank you to those who left messages/comments reminding and supporting me, I greatly appreciate it!
And thanks to anyone who stuck around for however long I was gone!
You're awesome!!!

- Rhiannon

Hey I'm Back (Sequel To Hey I'm Bee)Where stories live. Discover now