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Bee's View
"Hey babe" My boyfriend said, as he opened the door to my room and stepped inside.
"Dark not so shocking anymore huh?" I asked turning around in my bed
"I'm used to the vampiric style now" he sat down with a smile.
"I'm sorry" My voice becoming a whisper to avoid breaking down
"What are you sorry for? You had a traumatic experience! I should be apologizing, I don't know what for but I'm guiltier than you!" His speech made me smile but it didn't stop the tears from springing into my eyes.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He put an arm around me and pulled me into a sitting position
"I- I don't know" I whispered, the silent tears slipping out of my eyes.
"How many people did you leave in Melbourne?"
"Well, there was Rose and Onii and Bella and Ben and Eric and... Mitchell"
"And the overseas guys..." his voice trailed off. I nodded
"Then go back, catch up with those Melbournians and stop spending your life in the dark."
"I can't"
"Yes you can! What are you saying! What happened to happy Bee? The Bee that was so full of joy? The Bee who was dating an amazing man who loved her more than anything in the world and it was plain to see!"
I looked up and him and he wiped the tears from my eyes.
"The Bee that was with Straub"
"But... what about you?"
"I love you Bee, I do and that's why I can see that you're so much happier with him than you are with me. I'm the past, I've known that for a long time! This whole place is your past, you should be in the land of your future, if not for yourself, for me, please." I smiled but that was soon wiped away when I remembered
"I hurt him"
"Then you need to fix that, message him or something but fix it and become the happy little Bee that everyone loves"
I nodded and let him leave the room before I completely broke down, knowing that Straub would never forgive me, never.

Straub's View
I dressed slowly in jeans, a t-shirt and a hoodie, it was the easiest outfit I could find and so that was what I went with.
I dragged myself out of my room and the looks on those kids faces said so much about how much they actually cared about me.
Rose wrapped her arms around me until Eric pulled her off, murmuring something about pushing it too far but I didn't mind, it made me smile.
"Ok guys, let's go!" Bella said opening the door for everyone to walk through. Onii grabbed my hamd and led me down to where 2 cars were set up for whatever they had in store.
"Ok, Ben, Eric and Bella in one car, Mitchell, Rose and I in the other" Onii arranged it all pointing at each car to separate the groups. I slid into the back of the car next to Onii and Rose took the drivers seat.
"And we're off" Rose said, smiling at us before reversing out and following the other three.
"Where are we going exactly?" Onii looked at me in shock but Rose just smiled
"A day trip" She said, cryptically
"Yeah... a day trip" Came Onii's murmured echo
"Ok, let's go then" I smiled at Onii, earning myself another look of shock
"What?" I asked, suddenly scared
"Oh, no, it's nothing" Onii shook her head vigorously as if erasing a bad memory
"It's ok Mitchell, the others didn't know that you've actually been speaking" Rose explained with another backwards glance and smile.
"Oh ok"
"Sorry" Onii's voice was soft but sad, time to fix some things.

Hey I'm Back (Sequel To Hey I'm Bee)Where stories live. Discover now