Chapter 5- Samuel

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We all walk out,our breath shown from the cold. Large metal gates surround the entire place as far as we can see,enforced with barbed Wire and man made guard towers trees poke out all around from outside the gate. We see many other prisoners lined up many more still coming out of cellars or even small houses that look like they were built from the people in this community. But in the center of it all is a factory. It's fairly big taking much space covering the entire end of the place.The guard nudges us to get in line,we do and we wait silently unsure what to expect what could happen this day.
After everyone is finished getting in line and a couple moments of silence we see more guards come from around the side and in between them is a man with large brown coat his thick blond hair moves along with him.He stares at all of us before speaking.

"I know most of y'all already know the rules and all that shit but we got some newbies here to."

He looks at me and Clementine and then continues to look along the line again.

"I'm Samuel and I'm The Who runs this place so anything I say goes without second thoughts and everybody stays in line or else they deal with me."

He pauses and nods at one of the guards he nods back and moments later they have a man handcuffed and beaten dragged out from one of the cellars to right in front of us.

"Perfect timing here's an example for all you."

He kicks the man in the face making him bury himself in the ground.

"We caught this one last night trying to escape, he was already a pain in my ass never doing what he's told."

"Now we all know what I gotta do I mean I didn't want to but when he managed to kill one of my damn guards on patrol I couldn't stand for that shit."

He pulls out his gun and aims it directly at him.

"I.. I w-would rather die t-then be in a place like this worked until we drop like you own us, forced to fear from someone like you so kill me you son of a bitch."

"Alright you said it."

A bullet is fired and is echoed throughout camp
A grin appears on Samuels face.

"Yup that's what happens when you step out of line same thing happened to the fuckers at Richmond."

I take a second to process what he just said. I look at Clementine she seems petrified at what she just heard same as me.

"W-wait Richmond what do you mean!?"

"Well what I mean is Richmond had people before and now it doesn't burned the whole place to the ground."

"Javi...Kate, Gabe they're all dead.." she whispers under her breath.

She quickly turns to Samuel looking angrier then ever her fists clench, she looks at him with utter hatred. I quickly grab her arm before she can even do anything. I simply nod my head no

"Something going on I should know about?"

"We knew Richmond and the people there."

"Sorry you had to hear it that way but not like it matters at all now cause anybody in here is here to stay unless you want a bullet in your head to you know not to try anything stupid."

The way this man spoke how he could simply talk about how they destroyed an entire community full of people, kill a defenseless man he could do it with no remorse at all. Hearing talk about what he did to the people of Richmond acting like they were nothing it infuriated me but I know there is nothing we can least not now.

"We have a process here, we all work no exceptions you eat when we tell you to eat same for sleeping you don't get to decide anything we decide for you it's simple really,now everybody get your ass to work we got a factory to get up and running let's go!"

We all start to scatter everybody getting in groups.

"Anybody who was assigned to work in the armory come with me!"

"Hey guys good luck we'll see each other later Alright remember pay attention to everything around you." Louis whispers to us

He and Violet start to walk over to the group working in the armory.

"Wall duty come with me!"

Guards everywhere shouting where to go until one approaches me and Clementine.

"Your new aren't you?"

"Yes we are." I answered him

An ugly smile appears on his face.

"Take them to the factory!" He shouts at another guard

"You two lets go!"

We go over to the group and start to walk towards the factory it's even bigger the closer you get to it.

Along side it is a huge parking lot filled with u haul trucks,people are digging around the factory so deep you can only see the top of their heads when they lift the dirt up out of there. The truck doors open filled with cement bags, boxes of tiles, bricks and many more things.

"Alright get to work these things aren't gonna put themselves in the factory lets go!"

This is gonna be a long first day.


I know it was almost like 3 weeks since my last chapter which is a lot of time considering the other ones were barely a week apart but for a time I was unmotivated because the views dropped dramatically which made not wanna write also schools been taking up time not passing all my classes and other things take up my time but I still am gonna write this story and still put effort into it things like these take time and I love the walking Dead/ Clementine to 😄 but also anybody who takes the time to read this story thank you and also if any of y'all want to give me ideas on this story or to make another one feel free to tell me I'll start working on the next chapter thanks again!

My Only Desire (Clementine x Reader Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt