Chapter 4-New community

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I wake up feeling drowsy along with a huge pain pulsating in my forehead. I sit up from the cold ground still trying to wake myself up,that's when I just remembered what happened before.

"Y/N your up!"

She scoots over to me examining my head.

"Clementine where are we?"

"We're in those assholes community,after you blacked out they took us here in one of their cars,once we got here they threw us in this cell."

Metal bars were surrounding us,the ground was cold and dirty the whole place smelled like piss.

"How long was I out?"

"The whole day, it's night now."

I look out the small window in the side of our cell, it looks like it can barely even fit A.J.
it's completely dark outside,through the small window I can partly see the outside but I can't really make out anything.

"Fucking shit I'm sorry Clem if I didn't suggest to stick around and search that apartment we probably wouldn't even be here right now."

"Y/N you got nothing to be sorry for,you tried to keep me and A.J safe and gave us a peaceful night while it lasted, as long as we stick together we're ok."

She goes ahead and grabs A.J and holds him in her lap giving him a kiss on his head.

"My little goofball."

"Yea he is."

I smile playfully pinching his cheek. He giggles at it.


I hear a strange voice say from across the room in another cell.I didn't even notice him there.

"Who are you?"

"Oh yea sorry bout that got caught up in your conversation, name's Louis." He stands up and walks over to the edge of his cell. The candles around the room reveal his face as he gets closer.

I look over next to him and see someone else standing there, her blonde hair partly covering her eyes.

"What's your name?"

All she does is give me a rather dark look and then she looks away.

"Ohhh yeaaa don't mind her she's a real softy, she's just gotta get used to you."

"Violet." She bluntly says without looking back at me.

"They've been here a couple days already."

"Yea when you were knocked out Clemster here was telling me about how you guys got caught and then the sad story about how me and vi got caught." He said sighing

"Clemster?" I questioned him

"Yea why not it's cute I got a bunch of nicknames."

He smiles directly at Clementine and she just smiles back. I couldn't help but get a weird feeling from this but I just shrug it off.

"So how'd you guys wind up here?"

"We were by the stream trying collect the fish from our fish traps." Violet answers

"Until this dumbass fumbles the fish trap releasing them, he chased them down the stream thinking he can actually catch them and we ended up running straight into them."

"Hey in my defense the trap was very slippery and I didn't just want to the let the fish go without trying to catch them."

"Louis they're FUCKING FISH you would never be able to catch them by running."

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