Chapter 3-When we first met

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All I could hear are the snarls of walkers coming my way,my running footsteps can be heard throughout the whole forest. The cold night air hits my face as I'm running full speed barely able to see anything in front of me. I almost trip several times until a downed walker grabs my leg causing me to fall hitting my head. I quickly turn around to the walker and kick him trying to make it let me go. I can barely see it only a dark silhouette I draw my knife and aim for what seems like the shape of its head and I hear a squelching noise when my knife hit its target causing the walker to let go. I get back up hearing more walkers getting closer, I sprint again and don't stop running until the snarls and moans are gone.


I'm trying to catch my breath and sit upright against a tree. It's dead silent besides me panting there's nothing else to be heard. I take a deep breath.

"Inhale....exhale." I say to myself trying to calm myself.

"Okok I'm good."

I stand back up and look around it's so dark I can barely make shape out of anything it makes it all terrifying. I look ahead and between trees I see a small light staying in it's spot flickering.

"Must be a fire." I think to myself

I'm hesitant to go people can be even more deadlier then the dead themselves but I got no other choice. I'm basically going at it blindly in the forest if I don't take the chance. I start walking towards it,and the more I walk the bigger and clearer the light gets. The light was a fire after all I duck down by some bushes and look around it's a fire with a single small tent. There's a small pot over by the fire but besides that there nothing else around.

"Uh..H-hello anybody there?"

I get no response.

"I'm not tryna hurt you or anything I just kinda stumbled across here,it would be greatly appreciated if uh.. you didn't try and kill me or anything."

Still nothing. I slowly get up and walk towards the tiny camp.

"I'm walking closer now like I said please don't kill me or anything...please." I say even more nervously now.

" there anybody here?"

I walk slowly to the tent and look in pulling the flaps back slightly to peek inside, I look in some more and there's nobody there. I walk in still cautiously and find 2 sleeping bags one bigger than the other. I spot a bag just lying there in one corner of the tent,I grab it and open it to find a bottle of water and some canned foods. My first instinct was to just take it and enjoy it while I can but this could belong to someone else, maybe someone else I wouldn't want to be on their bad side with. My stomach growls wanting to eat, my dry mouth doesn't let me drool due to the thirst I also have.

"Fuck it, I'm sorry to whoever had this."

Just as I'm about to drink some water I feel something cold pressed against my head.

"We still have it now drop it."


"Drop the knife to, get up and turn around slowly." The strange feminine voice tells me

"Alright I'm sorry."

I drop my knife and do what she says I turn around to meet beautiful hazel eyes glaring at me. I was stunned to see such a beautiful set of eyes,this girl was just so stunning I didn't really even know what to say.

"Listen there was nobody here and I was just really thirsty and hungry I'm sorry."

"I don't need your fucking apology."

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