On My Own - Julcent/Julron

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Vincent's fluorescent eyes glowed through the rain, shining on the surface of the river of water running into the sewer below him.

The rain poured heavily, dropping to the ground like bullets. The drops came together and formed little puddles on the glimmering pavement outside of the house.

Vincent look over his shoulder at the house which was small, but welcoming and had enough room to fit all four of them. Rain drops seemed to race each other down the window a he peered through.

He saw Julian laying his head on Aaron's shoulder showing off their relationship. They snuggled up to each other covered in millions of blankets like two cold chipmunks.

Vincent stared at them from outside as the pouring rain drenched his fur. His black shirt clung to him in an uncomfortable way as it became water logged. He put his paw on the window. Vincent's hand lingered on the window, his stomach swirling as he watched the angel with someone else.

Julian opened his orange soft eyes and stared back at Vincy. His sweet smile fading to a frown. He sighed and told his boyfriend that he had to do something. Julian got his sun-golden rain coat and step outside with the half demon.

"Vincent, come inside please." Julian meowed his voice dripping with concern for the taller male.

"Julian!" Vincent turned shocked. He froze in place. The feeling in his stomach welled up into his throat as he could feel his face heating up despite the cold rain and wind.

"Vincent you must be freezing now come inside." Julian ordered his tone more strict than his typically happy and carefree tone.

"Jul I-I-" Vincent stuttered, trying to make out a response that made sense.

"Stop Vincent, it will never happen," Julian breathed, "I'm with Aaron, you're too late." He turned the doorknob and went back inside where it was warm before Vincent could say anything.

And just like that it was over, he had lost his chance with the small angel boy a long time ago.

Author Note - Part 2????

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