Don't Miss Me - Vecthan

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Vector died a week ago. He has been dead since.

We were both in a field that came up onto a road. He was running really fast and dammit the shorty didn't stop. He though he could make it across the road before any cars came but he couldn't. He was hit and killed within a blink of an eye. He died, but not like Julian. I lost two friends that summer.

Like Julian and his angel wings Vector came back too, but not like Julian did. He was fading in and out of reality. He was a ghost, but at least he was still partially here.

"Ethan, are you in here?"  Vector asked sticking his head in through the door. He phased through it and floated over towards my bed. I sat up and faced him. He came back into physical form so I couldn't see through him.

"Yeah, Vect, what do you need?"  I answered in a monotone voice hiding my sadness at my lost friend.

"I'm bored. You wanna watch a movie or something?" He asked said smiling like the day he died, carefree and child-like.

"Sure, buddy." I smiled back hopping off my bed. "Phase after me." I purred trying to make a joke.

He went transparent and sunk into the floor.

I met up with him in the living room and we watched movies all night completely ignoring the fact that Julian and Vincent were asleep on the same floor, one on top of the other. Vect and me were soon just like them, snuggled together and sleeping peacefully.

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