The Journey

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A girl was in the middle of a wide grassy plain slowly waking up as the sun dipped down over the horizon. Her head pounded as if someone thought it had been a soccer ball and played with it. Yeah, that bad. Slowly she lifted her head and came face to face with a big black spider. Normally she wouldn't be fazed at the sight of a spider, but this thing was HUGE. To top that off, it had menacing red eyes, and possibly an hourglass shape on its back. She didn't get a good enough look at it back because it pounced on her quicker than you could say Black Widow. It hurt so much she almost cried. She ran as fast as her legs would carry her away from that spider. She ran past other spiders, skeletons, Green people, and bright green hissing things. She passed a family of pigs as well which were hiding away from everything.

She just kept running, until she couldn't go any further. There was just a huge wall in her way. Though she couldn't tell if it was a wall because she could see right through , it was a void of nothingness, keeping her away from....what? She didn't know, and she didn't have time to speculate. Her running had gathered several monsters. They surrounded her and closed in. She would've been scared out of her socks....if she had been wearing any. The only way out of this was down. So down she dug. Just far enough and she built a layer of dirt over her so they would not fall in with her.

She couldn't quite go to sleep yet, so she tried to remember some more pleasant times. She couldn't remember anything. She tried harder, yet the harder she tried the more it evaded her. The only things she could gather was her name, RalfiShores, though she was positive that wasn't her birth name. As well as a face. It was the last person she had seen. A guy with dirty blonde hair, probably cute, though she didn't see him that way.... Perhaps it was her brother or her cousin?

She thought and perplexed about what she could remember. After awhile her eyelids grew heavy and sleep tugged at her. Finally she gave in, into a deep sleep, dreaming of her playing her favorite game....

Surviving:  a Minecraft novelWhere stories live. Discover now