"Their connection..." Lucas started. "Is it intimately?"

"No," Jasmine shook her head. "It's love. But it can grow into intimacy like any other normal relationship."

Jasmine glanced to her hanging feet before looking back to me. "Can you put me down now?"

I sighed, and softly landed her to the ground, but I made sure she noticed my smirk. "You're going to be extremely useful, Jasmine."

Jasmine managed to sneak Lucas back to my room, as well as Jason. It was pretty easy considering everyone in the house was sleeping.

We chose to keep the small fact that Lucas was still alive to ourselves.

At first, I wondered why she wasn't running to Anthony to spill all our secrets, until I then realized, she's scared of us.

Two hybrids with a hunter on our side? I guess that could make anyone scared.

Plus, we didn't give her the option to leave until our plan came into action, so we locked her in my room with us.

After we got to hour 12 of being held in my room, Jasmine gave us some useful information, saying that the destructive hybrid — Jason — has all of their powers dangerously heightened.

Jason tried his best to do his worst, but nothing was able to happen.

Jasmine was whining on the chair by the far corner of the room while Jason stood in front of Lucas and I as we were sitting on the mattress.

My eyes occasionally moved to the side, glancing at Lucas every so often to make sure he was okay.

But after probably the hundredth time of me looking over my shoulder, Lucas finally noticed how creepy I was being.

His brows furrowed as his lips tipped up to a lazy smirk. "Why you staring, Hope?"

I couldn't help but smile with a small shrug. "I'm just worried," I confessed.

"Uh!" Jasmine groaned. "Can I leave now?"

"No," the three of us shouted simultaneously just as the doorknob rattled, followed by a knock.

"Emma," Adam's muffled voice caught my attention, and everyone stayed silent. "Can I come in?"

I glanced at Lucas and Jason who both shook their head. But I felt bad slightly, so I decided to be a little humane and open the door.

When Adam found Lucas on the bed, his eyebrows raised. "I thought you were dead."

Lucas simply glared at him, however, when Adam's eyes moved around and found Jasmine sitting on the chair, his eyes doubled in size. "And you're here. Now I'm officially surprised."

I sighed, and crossed my arms over my chest before sitting next to Lucas.

Adam closed the door behind him before smiling at me. "So what are you guys doing?" He asked, clapping his hands together.

"I don't know if we can trust you, Adam," Jason hissed, and I suddenly remembered the news he heard yesterday.

Adam sighed, looking to Jason. "Listen, I had no idea why my dad did that, and trust me when I say I'm fucking pissed at him for what he did to your mom," he said.

He slowly lifted up his hand, letting it stand between them. "Truce?"

Jason eyed his hand. "I'm not touching you."

Adam sighed before dropping his hand, looking at the three of us before settling on me. "I want to help you, Emma," he shook his head. "You shouldn't have been here in the first place."

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