A plan but cracking with failure

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Sam widens his eyes, muffling out, "Uh, no way, we are not doing that." Derick rolls his eyes, scoffing at his friend's cowardliness. Ken had already logged off, saying that he was going to bed now. Levy then crosses his arms, sitting back in his chair and mumbling, "What's wrong? We're just getting some files-"

"Yeah, from the place my dad works at!" Sam claims, quietening his voice when he hears footsteps coming up the stairs. As the person walks by his room, Sam sighs out, "I won't be able to do this, guys. My dad will murder me if he finds out that I'm the one helping people steal from his work." Levy begins to scribble on his notepad to write question marks around 'Phase One: Stealing from Mr. Marsh's Work'. Everyone, except for Derick, was now uncertain of how this would go down. Sam mutters, "I'll help you with anything else, just not this!" Ken had left before saying that they needed everybody to join in, or else someone would have to double up on work. Derick waves it off as if it was nothing and says, "Oh, c'mon, Marsh! It can't be that hard, it's not like your dad is-"

A knock at the door.

Something Sam had dreaded at the moment. He puts the brightness down on his laptop and leaves it on his table, allowing the volume to be turned down but the mic to remain on. "Come in." He calls, seeing his father walk into the room. He gives a small smile as his dad says, "Okay, Sam, we're very disappointed in your behavior. Your sister looks up to you and we don't want your bad doings to affect her life. Please, try and be more careful when you do these kind of things." Sam raised a brow and clears his throat, "So you want me to think about sleeping in class before I actually sleep in class?"

His father shakes his head, chuckling softly at his son. Mr Marsh ruffles Sam's hair before murmuring, "Well, I'll let you go to sleep now, kiddo. It's 8:30 and apparently Kyle is having you over after school for the weekend." Sam nods his head, climbing into his bed and waiting for him to leave. His father goes to the door and turns off the lights, but before he leaves, he pops his head back in and chimes, "Oh, and I'll be home late tomorrow by the way."

Sam, for the second time tonight, widens his eyes and clenches his jaw. He knew that the others heard that. "What? Why?" He asks, suddenly feeling the need to try and get him to stay home. Mr Marsh grunts, "My boss asked me to work overtime so I can get a day off for your mother's birthday next week. I'll be home by..." Sam raises his brows, crossing his fingers tightly as he suggests, "6:45?" His father scoffs and shakes his head, "No, no, later than that. Let's just say that you should be sound asleep by the time I get home." Sam nods his head softly before lying down.

As his father bids him goodnight, the door closes and allows Sam to jog up to his computer and turn on his lamp. "Dude, you heard that, right?" He asks, seeing Derick running a hand through his hair as Levy rips out a piece of notepad paper. It seems like his plans have been cancelled. Sam whispers, "Guys, we have to stop this. Our parents know nothing about what we're doing and we'll just get into more trouble than we already are." Derick groans, rolling around in his bed. Levy then taps his pen in his hand and asks, "Can we re-schedule for next week, same time? It'll give you enough time to finish off with the planning, Derick."

Cartman shakes his head, looking frantically around the room for something he might have left around somewhere. "No... maybe, I don't know. We'll just have to check if it's there." Sam and Levy wrinkle their brows as they look dangerously at Derick. What on Earth did he mean by that? Levy flips through his notes, if anything he had recorded had anything to do with it. But nothing he had written down spoke about Derick leaving something. Sam utters, "What do you mean?"

It's silent, something that is unusual when Derick is around. He was loud and obnoxious, like his father. He mumbles, "And... yes, I left it there." That makes Sam give off a scared expression. He softly yells out, "What do you mean 'I left it there'? What did you leave?" Derick groans, standing up and turning off his computer to leave Levy and Sam alone. Levy grunts, "Of course, Derick. I'll see you tomorrow at school, Sam." He waves and logs off to.

Sam lies in bed again, staring at the ceiling. What was he going to do now that Derick won't tell him shit? He listens to the soft coos of the wind against the glass of his windows. Finally, he drifts off to sleep.

The Next Day . . .

Sam arrived at school with a massive headache. He was talking to his father, trying to get him to come home at a normal time instead of later. That resulted in his mother getting involved and yelling at him for not being ready for school. Then, Sam had to run to school to catch the later bus, in which he just made. He was sitting next to Jake Donovan, in whom was just like 'oh, I'm going to ask blah blah out today' and 'do you want to know something about this person, Derick'. It was a really annoying day.

"Ah, Sam, so glad you're here." Ken muffles out, Levy, Jordan Black and Teddy Scotch hot on his tail. Sam didn't mind them all that much, but now and again he would love some silence. "What is it, McCormick?" He asks angrily, taking them back a little. Jordan chuckles, "Woah, is it that time of the month, Sam?" The said boy rolls his eyes before moving to his locker, the other behind him. Levy guts out, "So, Derick told us what he left behind." That takes Sam's attention.

"What was it?"

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed it! Remember to like, follow, share and review.

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