Note Taking for a fucking awesome plan

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It was the next day, and if it wasn't enough that Derick had to explain the plan to them again, the school had called their parents. Well, he didn't know about the others, but Sam's parents were contacted by the school. It was a low blow, really. A lot of people slept in class. Hell, Ken got away with it once by just pulling his hood over his head and sleeping with glasses on.

Sam stomps into his room, angered at both his parents and at Derick. The teacher said that he wouldn't be in a lot of trouble for what he did, after all, people need sleep and the teacher thought that he just had a rough time sleeping. But, if it wasn't for his stupid fiascos, he wouldn't be in this mess. He groaned, taking his laptop off of his desk and placing on his bed along with him. He soon saw that his beloved friend Derick was online. He must be telling the others about the new 'adventure', in which Levy would totally blow off.

"Okay, so then we- oh hey, Sammy-Boy, took you long enough." Derick claims, his messy room showing. Sam rolled his eyes, asking, "So when is this shitty adventure, anyways?" Levy retorts, looking down at the notepad he had with him so that he could get everything ready, "Uh, tomorrow after school. Like, right after because everyone is free, last time I checked. Oh, and you need to bring... your suit, like Derick said." Sam rolls his eyes again. Boy, this would be so exciting if her weren't grounded.

Ken, who surprised everyone by having a computer, muffles out, "So, you ready, Sam?" The Marsh kid runs a hand through his hair, trying not to scream profanities towards Derick. If he had a dollar for how many times he did that. He says, "Oh, yeah, I'm totally ready. There's just one thing." Derick groans, slamming his head onto the pillow of his bed. He growls, "Is it your stupid-ass dad just hiding your suit? I swear to fucking God, my dad was right; he really is a fuck-face."

Sam clenches his sheets, wanting to tackle him to the ground and beat the shit out of him. Derick was a shit-talking, just like his father. "No, ass-hole, I got grounded for the detention we got because you kept us out at midnight. So, I'm out." He was about to log off when Levy jumps in his seat. He gasps, "W-Wait, what? But we're doing this as a team, and it's safe, we won't get in trouble or hurt." Sam grunts, "Yeah, well, I got in trouble before I even got to the adventure. This is fucking karma for following Derick and his stupid ideas."

"Hey!" Derick chimes, "It's not my fault that you can't lie to your parents!" Sam widens his eyes, growling back, "Well, you're not supposed to be good at it, you dick." Ken brings his hoodie down to speak clearly. He says, "Isn't there a way we can sneak you out or something?" As he leans his head against the back board of the bed, Sam responds, "And get me more in trouble? No thanks. Just skip this adventure, our parents went on a lot of trips and shit, I can miss just one."

Derick shakes his head, running off the screen to grab something. Everyone can hear him shout, "No, piss-bucket, this is a job for us! I gave a role to everybody, including you." Sam sighs out, opening up a text message sent by Ken as they were talking, "Oh, yeah? What is it? Cleaning up the shit that you guys leave around?" Derick rolls his eyes, coming back onto the screen with a bunch of stuff. A phone, a clip-board, blue prints, a cardboard box and a bunch other things. He utters the words, "You're the only one who knows this place better than we do. And I really can't be bothered going through and having to post-pone everything."

"Fine, I'll find a way." Sam mumbles, tapping his fingers on his arms as he crossed them. Ken, hearing this, then offers to help by sneaking out at night and messing around with the Marsh family. Ding-Dong Ditching, Toilet Papering the house and even calling one of them into work. More preferably Mrs Marsh since she was very strict with Sam. The said boy shook his head, claiming, "No, my parents would, like, send a hunter down for your ass. And we've also got a camera for the front yard." Levy retorts, "Yeah, me too." Sam mutters out, eyes furrowing, "Wait, how do you sneak out at midnight then?" Levy twirls some of the sheets of his bed and coughs out, "Uh, I go through the back and kind of 'round the block with my bike before heading for the theater."

Derick chuckles, "Always knew you were too much of a pussy." Before Levy can growl back, Sam clears his throat, "So, what are we doing after this?" Derick turns the camera to face the other side of his bed where his desk was. He chucks some boxes onto his desk and says out loud, "We'll be going through with phase two and I will be planning phase six!"

Sam widens his eyes again and shouts, voice growing a bit, "What do you mean 'phase six'? How many phases are there?" Derick takes the blue prints from his bed and unravels one by one. He points to the first one he picked up and chimes, "There are only seven, calm down, crap-basket. I've got everything ready." Levy begins to write that down as Sam argues with Derick. "So we're going through with one phase without the plan even being finished? I thought you had everything ready, dip-shit!"

"I do have everything ready. I'll put things in place when we have the time, right now we just need to do phase one. Got it?" Derick responds. Sam wipes his face of annoyance before Ken muffles out, "Okay, so we're all good now. We're leaving at 3:50 after school." Everybody nods and silence falls upon them. That is until Sam asks, "Where are we going, anyways?"

Derick knits together his brows and scoffs, "What? I-I just told you."

"No," Sam claims, "I heard you say that I know the place better than anybody else does. What place?"

(A/N: Okay, this might be bad, but I tried. I'm trying to find ideas for the other South Park book. 'Huge But Cracking Adventure'. Hope this is okay!) Anyway Remember to like, follow, share and review. This is Boi Marsh signing out!

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