~ Chapter 6 ~

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Eve ran outside to her locked notebook but on her way to her car she fell. She kept running and started writing but when she looked up from the page she had a big bruise forming on her arm which made her remember another thing about Shay.

'It was 11 pm and all the lights at the Walkers house were on. Eve went to close her blinds to shield the only light in their cul de sac when her phone rang. She dashed for it hoping the noise didn't wake her family. She glanced at the contact name and it was Shay. "Hello?" Eve's voice sounded raspy and tired. There was a scream and then Shay screamed through the phone. "OH MY GOD SHAY! ARE YOU OK!? DO YOU NEED ME TO CALL THE COPS?!" Eve said worried. There was a sound like smashing glass and the phone cut off. Eve rushed to the window seeing Shay getting slapped by her father. Shays light flickered off and all Eve could see was her silhouette crying. Eve bolted down the stairs and across Jake's yard to reach her house. She climbed onto the roof under Shay's window, rushing and panicked. She opened her window from the outside and immediately covered Shay's mouth. "Sit here, don't move and shut up." Her voice sounded strict but sincere. Shay nodded and Eve got to work. She stuffed pillows under the blankets to make it seem like she was sleeping and used a wig Shay had for hair. To be fair they were 11 so they were getting pretty creative. Eve packed Shay a bag and grabbed her back pack. She grabbed Shay's makeup bag, as she walked to the window she grabbed Shay's wrist and they were gone.'

That memory brought tears to her eyes. "NO! He can't get away with that. I can't. No!" She thought to herself and marched right back in to the police station. "Hello, Ms. Tucker, Back so soon?" Chief Robinson questioned as she walked into his office. "Yes, I'm here to talk about Shay Walker, John." Eve was sad reciting the memory out loud, especially after she promised to never tell anyone. When she was done, John just held his head in his hands. Since he was a family friend, he stood up and gave her a hug. He sighed, " I'm so sorry you had to go through that, I know how hard it was to come forward about that.

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