~ Chapter 5 ~

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        ' She opened her front door to be greeted by Jake and a bicycle she had never seen before. " Hey E!" Jake smiled widely with a gap in his teeth from the tooth he had just lost. "Hi Jakey, Happy Birthday! Whatcha got there?" Eve said curiously eyeing up the bike. "My new bike, but its special. Its my first without training wheels! Happy Birthday to me!" Jake said grinning.  "You're so funny." Eve giggled hugging him, but then she looked down kind of embarrassed. Jake placed his hand on her shoulder. "E? Whats wrong?" He sounded comforting and accepting, like he'd never do her wrong; but of course she didn't know that was what she was feeling since she was so young. "Its just, I don't know how to ride a bike without training wheels yet. You're always ahead of me." Eve sighed. Jake grabbed Eve's arm and brought her to a slight slope in the grass. He picked her up and put her on the bike seat. He put his helmet on her even though it was loose because she's tiny. "Jake! Take me down I'll fall!" She yelled. He just laughed and spoke calmly. "Don't worry E. I'll hold on to the bike so you won't fall. just hold on and pedal. This is how I was taught." Eve started pedaling and Jake held on the whole way. They did this for about an hour straight until Jake thought she could do it without help. He tightened the helmet to fit her head better and started pushing her but he let go. She didn't notice he wasn't holding on but when she did, she started to panic. He saw he panicking and ran after the bike. He was a little late and she tumbled off onto the grass. She wasn't hurt just shaken up. "E! Are you okay!? You were doing so good. You were okay until you noticed I wasn't there." Eve just lay on the ground starring at him. "I'm okay. Thanks for teaching me but i think its time for you to ride your own bike." She took off the helmet and placed it on his head. She leaned in and kissed him. Their parents were watching so they snapped a picture. Jake was about to get on his bike when a car drove in along with a moving truck to the sold house in their Cul de sac. "New neighbors!" Both kids yelled and ran to the side walk to watch.'

        Eve sighed closing the picture book and walking outside. She walked over to the same part of the side walk. She sat down looking at Shays house. Through the window she could tell The Walkers were choosing things for the funeral. It must be so hard. She can't even wrap her head around it. Her ex just got brought into police custody for the murder of her ex best friend. All of the sudden a car full of luggage looking like coming from vacation pulled into the Fishers drive way. She gasped as she saw Sam Fisher step out of the car. Last time she saw him he was an awkward young boy with braces and no muscles at all. Wow he really grew up. He got his braces off and is wearing a varsity jacket, assuming he got into sports while she was gone.

        "Hey! Oh my god wow! Is that really you Eve?" Sam said in disbelief as he walked over to the pink haired girl. " Yep, The one and only." She said smiling warmly. " Wow you dyed your hair, I almost didn't recognize you. Not because of your hair, but because the queen bitch of this town isn't beside you." Sam joked but meant what he said. Eve frowned " You really don't know?" Eve questioned thinking it was some kind of sick joke. " Know what?" Sam questioned like he really didn't know. "She's dead.." Eve broke down crying. Sam comforted her " I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I should go.." and just like that Sam ran across the cul de sac into his house.

        Eve walked to the police station to talk to Jake. " I'm going to get you out of there. I've already eliminated one person off the suspect list." Eve said confidently. "Okay, Who?" Jake said impatient and curious. " Sam Fisher! It couldn't have been him since he was on vacation, He just got back today." After Eve stated that, Jake gave her a weird look. "What are you talking about E? Sam has been here all summer including the night she died!" he said acting like she was crazy. "WHAT!?"

I Didn't Mean To Kill Her...जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें