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| • Chapter 3 • |

but we know where we belong


"Honey, what's the last thing you remember?" The nurse asked me after I had shown clear confusion to a question my father had asked me.

"U-Um, I-I don't know, I feel asleep in class and-and, um, I think I heard them t-talking on my laptop." I rubbed my temples, having already figured out that Demi had never actually come to see me, but also that it hadn't been two weeks since the concert. The date was Febuary 15, meaning that the twelfth had been only three days ago.

"Yeah, that was after the concert baby girl, but that was two days ago. You can't remember anything else?" Dianna asked softly, stroking my hair from her position beside me.

"D-Did I run home? I think I ran home." I furrowed my eyebrows as distinguishing reality was becoming harder and harder as I could remember this dream so vividly.

"Yeah, you ran home and called Demi. Do you remember why?" Dianna coaxed, my father just had an aggitated look on his face, clearly displeased with my confusion.

"T-They were making fun of me, Amber--or maybe it was Destiny, said that if I hadn't killed my mom I would be normal. I-I was gonna commit." I stuttered, looking up at Dianna in pure horror for what I was going to do then, but also what I was going to do at school just a few hours ago. I was so ready to just stop hurting.

"Jackson, sit down!" Dianna snapped as my father stood up tensely, the nurse even looking ready to give him a warning or kick him out. Personally I hoped it was the latter option.

"Did you know about her tendincies?" The nurse questioned him, looking like she wouldn't believe anything he said either way.

"No!" He bellowed, and I whimpered instictively, like I always had.

"H-He didn't." I spoke softly as Dianna frowned.

"She's rail thin and you never noticed anything?!" Dianna brokenly pleaded for my words to be false, but as my father shrugged both women seemed to grow overly angered with the confession.

"H-He's never h-home." I shut my eyes tightly, "I-I'm always alone, a-and nobody helps me. I-It's my fault, I-It's always my fault."

Dianna's arms were comfortable around me, pulling my into her as if her hug could mend all my pieces together.

My mind reeled, the ache I didn't want to admit to growing stronger. The only question I could seem to bear; what actually happened?

looking back at these chapters I wrote nearly a year ago, my writing techniques have literally changed so much

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