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| • Chapter 1 • |

Sweet Creature, had another talk about where it all went wrong



I just heard the muffled sadness of reality as I slowly regained consciousness, sadness engulfing me as I knew that this would only lead to me being in trouble. I've only just caused more drama for myself, more hassle to deal with as now he'll know.

I've basically just played myself. I wanted to die yet now people will try and make me recover because I failed.


Nothing new.

Now everything I've ever denied is revealed on a table, and I have nothing to hide it with. It's just out there, in the open, for everyone and anyone to fucking see, to judge.

"No! What the fuck do you mean!" I heard him, yell again, his voice loud. I wasn't sure how long I had been out for, but clearly it hadn't been long enough for him to get answers.

"She's lucky it wasn't worse, she passed out from lack of nourishments. When was the last time she ate, Mr.Peterson?"

My body stiffened at the question, and an agonizing ache shot up through my leg. I whimpered, signalizing my awareness.

"Sweetheart, Hey." A soft hand brushed the annoying hair from my face, and although the voice was familiar, everything just seemed so far away, so blurry. "Amelia, can you open your eyes for me, honey?"

"She might be sensitive to the light. Amelia, can you hear me? I'm Doctor Evans, could you tell me if you feel anything?" She asked, and almost instantly I was aware that the ache in my leg was truly a searing pain.

"Hurts." I exclaimed, my voice hoarse.

"You twisted your leg pretty badly due to collapsing sweetie. Do you remember the last time you ate?" Doctor Evans softly inquired, as I blinked my eyes open, moaning at the sunlight.

"C-Concert... Demi-i." I whined, slowly starting to piece together reality.

It didn't happen.

None of it fucking happened.

What the fuck do I do now?

Finally FoundOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz