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| • Chapter 2 • |

But we're still young, we don't know where we're going


"Hey, Amelia, don't space on me sweetheart. Are you dizzy?"

I shook my head, but the pounding only got worse.

Pulling my knees up to my chest, I wrapped my arms around my legs, numbly staring at the limbs that trembled with no end. An effect of the immense hunger that only grows stronger, but thankfully makes me thinner. That allows me to finally have control of something in my life.

"Can I check your pupils?"

I shrugged, refusing to make eye-contact with either my father, or her.

"Follow, the light." Was softly instructed, and I did as I was told. "As long as your head doesn't hurt, I'd say you're pretty lucky."

Almost like he could read my mind, but I just shrunk into myself and again looked away.

"Amelia if your head hurts say something, we aren't playing this games anymore—"

"Jackson, go outside! Honey, I know—"

"I h-hate him." I sobbed to her, shaking my head into my knees.

"Sweetheart, I really need you to answer my questions okay?" The doctor asked softly.


She wrapped her arms around me softly, placing a kiss to my head as a tear fell from her eye and burned my skin as it landed.

I've needed her for so fucking long.

"Does your head hurt?"

I nodded, sniffling and watching as my Dad angrily stomped around through the small window.

"H-He's gonna kill me." I sobbed into my knees. Dianna shushed me, rubbing my back as she knelt beside the bed so she was more level with my height.

"He's not going to touch you, Mia."

"Honey, What happened? Why were you on the roof?"

"I'm so tired of people hurting me." I hiccuped, "I'm so tired of him not understanding it's not my fault, or my friends yelling at me because I killed my mom. I'm so tired." I sobbed, "and I—how do I just stop hurting?"

The doctor laid a hand on my shoulder as Dianna pulled away from me to look me over like I was some unknown biology experiment. I sniffled, my body trembling in pure anxiety of the unknown.

"How long have you been having these thoughts, Amelia?" Was asked softly, and with the thought of the first time on my mind I just dissolved into sobs.

"H-He told me I killed y-you. H-He said it was all my fault." I whimpered, shaking my head as I reached out for Dianna again, surprising her. She quickly engulfed me however, and she too melted into the embrace.

"Hey, Hey, Mia, can you tell me how long this has been going on? Huh, how long?" Dianna coaxed gently, her cold hands holding me face softly as her thumbs grazed my cheeks.

I knew what they meant, the hunger, the harming, I knew the true question, the materialist one, but I couldn't help but avoid the answer with a shaky shrug of my boney shoulders.

All I wanted to know, was what actually happened.

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