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I was shocked that she kissed oscar, she doesnt even kiss me, i know i do kiss her just because.

Why am i doing this? i like the girl,But i cant accept that i fel in love.No sandman never falls in love, or is that a lie?.

She came down and sat besided me.

We sat down quite for a while, she was looking at me now and then.

When i looked at her she turned away and smiled and something pn her phone......wait her phone.

"where did you get the phone? and what are you doing on it?" i asked her.I tried not to scream though, i wanna see how she will be if im kind to her.

Even though i think it wont work that good. "i got it from somewhere in your closet and im just reading on google, no instagram or twitter." she said and smiled.

Wow she acctually smiled, her smile killes me everytime, but i dont show it "so you went through my closet?" i said "more or less yes" she replied.

"that is not good, dont ever look through my closet again" i said "dont worry, there is nothing intressting in there" she answered.

Well thank god she didnt see some serious stuff, huh.

She started looking at me, if she was looking in the eyes or forehead i dont know.

"what do i have a pimple or something?" i asked "no, youre just cute" she said "im not cute" i said and stood up from my chair.

I went to sit next to her and even closer, our foreheads where touching "then what are you?" she asked i looked at her lips.

"im hot" i said "sure" she answered, she bit her under lip.

"dont do that" i said "why not?" she asked and did it again "you make me go crazy" i said she smiled and did it again.

"stop that, its not gonna end well" i said she just looked at me sandman is drooling?"she asked, i shook my head.

I am so drooling but i dont wanna admit "admit it homeboy" she said "No, im not drooling" i answered "not even for my lips?" she asked.

"maybe a little" i said, she looked at me and pecked my lips with a short kiss it was not even short just her lips touch mine and she let go.

She went in the kitchen, i followed after her.


I pecked his lips and went to the kitchen.

He followed me behind and all of a sudden his arms were holding my hand and he turned me to face him.

He put me against the fridge and kissed me....HE KISSED ME WTF???!

I kissed back, it was amazing omg.

He hold onto my ass "jump up"he said. I jumped .

Now we are in the kitchen making out infront of nobody, sometimes i wonder where his parents were?!.

"FELICIA?" felix askes "im gonna say something, you are gonna listen okay!"

"yes ok." i said he looked up mer.

"i love you, yes i know its weird but i do, with all my hear, i just couldnt admit it to myself.Everytime you smile, it makes me feel good.When you bite your lip, i go crazy.

I like kissing your lips because they are the nicest lips i have ever kissed." he said still looking in my eyes.

"felix" i said but i didnt know what to say "and if you ever repeat what i said now to someone else, you are dead, understood?" he asked.

Thats the wordt thing with felix before i even answer his question the phone started to ring.

"hej" he said.

"hej, is this felix sandman? "


"i am........





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