(19) Down the Hill and Into the Ocean

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Warning: Character's Death, Violence and such that may trigger some audience/readers.

Jiggly closed his eyes as he felt the cold liquid spread around his body, opening his eyes, Jiggly found himself under the sea, he mentally sighed and immediately started swimming above for the surface. Rising his head, Jiggly took his time to breath, "oh f***, oh f**k, oh f*ck" He muttered under his breath while swimming for the nearby island. "Gosh f--king dammit.." Jiggly spoke under his breath, he laid out spread over the sand, he was sure hell glad that there's a mini Island near the agency. Taking a good full five breaths, Jiggly's eyes glanced to something or someone else rising from the ocean. Upon seeing this, he quickly rose up, feeling his holster for his gun. He felt a wash of relief once he took out to see his back up handgun, mentally congratulating himself for preparing such thing. Gorilla crawled his way out from the huge roaring ocean, gasping and coughing for air. He slowly stood up and as soon as he did, the sound of a gun being recoiled took his attention. He then found Jiggly pointing a 72 Calibre at him, cursing beneath his breath, he was sure that this was his unlucky day. Jiggly kept his focus on the brown skinned man, trying to not lose sight of him. Gorilla then decided to raise his arms together for surrender, but Jiggly thought otherwise, placing a finger around the trigger, Jiggly rolled his eyes and pressed the trigger. Gorilla immediately saw this and dived down, bending, skipping any bullet that tried to join his body. Jiggly cursed, not stopping, he continuously fired, trying to catch up at the speeding man towards him, hearing his gun suddenly stop firing, he checked around his pockets for more bullets. "You f**king chicken!!!" Jiggly cursed and threw away his gun, heading straight, head on against Gorilla. Seeing Jiggly's movements, Gorilla raised his fist and slammed it across Jiggly's face.

Brock and Craig continued on, punching, kicking, gashing, scratching... both of them were worn out, they could finish each other off to be honest but they also know they don't wanna lose each other again. Not when they're reunited for another chance. "Craig, just let me go!" Brock spoke, his bloody fists and nose were nowhere near in the good condition, "no, not until justice isn't served, like Brock, seriously man? why are you in the enemy's side?? Why won't you join us?" Craig gestured to himself, he himself couldn't believe he was getting on this long.. He honestly isn't the violence type of guy. Brock just shook his head, it's not that he hates them or anything, but the life on being a convict especially when you're in a secret kind of dark community, you could honestly tell that not all of them are bad. Others do it for money issues, for their family... There are some good guys in the community too. Brock lightly smiled remembering his friends' faces. Sattelizer, Gorillaphent, Sea Nanners, Cartoonz, Delirious, Ohmwrecker.. they weren't anything like the other delinquents, they weren't like the other thugs that just pick random fights. They were completely different. "I'm sorry Craig.. I guess I already found another family.." his response left Craig quite stunned. The glasses boy didn't know what to say.

After a couple of minutes of him just staring down the ground, Brock took this sign that he could leave, "So what are we to you now? We were f*cking worried about you little twats and this is all we could get?" Craig asked/yelled, he gripped his shirt's collar, "we were f*cking worried sick about you guys.. Don't you care about us now?" Brock stared over at his shaking friend, feeling guilty for leaving him, not even caring to tell them that they were alright. "Craig, no that's not-" a certain movement in the corner caught Brock's eye, he saw a figure, it's eyes gleaming as he pointed his gun over at Craig. He immediately dashed towards Craig, pulling his friend under the tables. Brock looked over the kitchen where Craig came out from, holding Craig's hand, he pulled craig with him, at the same time, covering the young man as they tried to dodge their way towards the iron door that lead to the kitchen. Going inside, Craig looked back to see Brock closing the door behind, lending out a hand, the two pushed the door shut. They both dropped down, panting over the sudden action. Craig looked over at Brock to see him holding onto his side, Craig gasped, he got closer at Brock, checking out the bleeding spot, "uhh.. what are you doing?" Brock asked as he watched Craig examine the bullet wound. "examining it. How did you think that I got into this facility? You already know I'm not into combat.." Craig replied, he soon got up and walked over the cabinets, opening each compartment. "There's gotta be an emergency kit somewhere in here, considering that this is a company with armed men walkiang around..." Craig muttered, the focused look on his face was quite unbearable for Brock, seeing his friend calm and not panicky. "Craig... about what you said.. I'm sorry I didn't get to tell you that we were fine... I- I wasn't thinking.." Brock apologized, you could even hear how sincere he was. Craig stared back at his friend, his cold expression turned into a soft one. Craig ran his hand through his hair, quite muffled out in their situation. "Don't.. don't sweat it Brock, considering on what you just did back there, I was quite impressed at how you came out of your shy lane and saved my life. Thank you." Craig smiled at his injured friend, happy and accepting his apology. "Aha! I found you!" Craig took out an emergency kit, walking back over at Brock to begin on aiding his friend. Thank God that this was a clean shot...I am not ready of taking a bullet out of one's body." Craig sighed in relief, Brock chuckled, "So.. while I fix you up, can you tell me on what really happened?" Craig asked, Brock gulped, he stared back down, he do own Craig an explanation... "I promise that I won't tell." Craig assured, trying to convince Brock, Brock just gave in and started, "Well.."

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