(10) the Crazy guest

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"Boys, I got us another mission!" Luke came inside the room where Brock and Ryan are talking casually, "where's Brian?" He asked and Ryan pointed over the back door, three weeks had passed since their last mission. The trainees had been practicing non stop and so Luke decided to get them their second mission.
Luke opened the door and saw Brian resting against a tree, Luke sat himself next to him before asking, "Yo, what's the problem man?" Luke asked that surprised Brian. "What the... Oh, it's you." Brian breathed out slowly before leaning back against the tree, "uh... Just thinking," he replied, Luke watched the man returned It's heart pace before responding, "You're thinking about how your your gonna tell him. Aren't you?" Brian glanced at look, then nodded slowly, "it's alright, I always think of how to ask Ryan about the problem." Luke patted Brian on the back and stood up. "C'mon, I just got another mission." Brian nodded and stood up, they both headed back towards the cabin.


Marcel kept his guard up as soon as he entered the school grounds. Students gossips around him, like every normal school. Soon, he was greeted by a boy with glasses and a tall man. "Welcome! Are you perhaps... Marcel Cunningham?" The boy asked, Marcel nodded. "Welcome Marcel! I am David, this is Craig and we're both seniors." The tall man named David explained as Marcel slowly nodded. "Not much of a talker eh?" Craig asked, Marcel shook his head, the only reason he's even here is to search for that new kid. "Alright then... Want to... Take a tour around the school?" David then asked, Marcel nodded again. David and Craig just looked at each other and shrugged.

"And... That's about it." David finished, they had completely gave Marcel the tour and during that tour... He didn't even said another word. Both him and Craig began wondering if Marcel even talks. Marcel sat down for a while, he could feel the stares of Craig and David. He sighed and just pulled his hoodie lower, "Hey... Marcel? Maybe you can go and meet with our friends.. besides, we're always welcome." Craig grinned, Marcel just stared back at him, "oh, speaking of friends... Here they are now," David pointed, Marcel then looked over the direction his pointing and saw his two comrades, Marcel's mouth was slowly agape, he knows that they study here but he doesn't know that they're acquainted with these other two.

"Hey, Craig, David. How did the tour go?" Evan asked, his hands waving, by his side is Tyler while the other side is Lui. Evan then saw the guy in hoodie and stopped on his tracks, so is Tyler. "Evan? You okay dude?" Lui asked, tugging on Evan's jacket. Evan shook his head, "I uh... I'm fine." He replied, Lui just nodded, unsure if what he said is true. "Heeyy guys! Actually, this right here is Marcel." Craig gestured to Marcel who sat on the bench, "Marcel, this is Evan the school president. And Tyler, the captain of the football team. To Evan's right is Lui, David's Boyfriend." Marcel stood up and shook their hands. Then he spoke, "nice to meet you..." Craig grinned along with David, finally! They got him to talk! As they shook hands, Marcel caught someone on the corner of his eyes, a blonde boy laughing with a friend. He doesn't know what but there's something... There Is Something about that boy. And he's about to find out.


Luke and Brian got back in the cabin and saw a blue figure in the living room, sitting next to Ryan and Brock. "Is that... No way! Delirious! How did you find us?" Luke greeted, bro hugging Delirious, he chuckled,"It wasn't really that hard." Luke sat next to him, Brian then sat next to Brock, "uhh... Could you introduce us?" He asked, Luke stopped and realized, "Brian, this is Delirious. Delirious, this is Brian, also called The Terroriser." Ryan introduced themselves, "ohh... The new guys!" Delirious happily exclaimed, Brock and Brian nodded while Delirious continued laughing, "what's your plan today?" He asked, Luke took out his laptop, "we're gonna go kill somebody." Luke explained, cold. "we'll also meet with Sark in the process." Luke finished, Ryan nodded as well is the other guys,

"how about you Delirious? What makes you come here?" Ryan asked, a bit suspicious. "You know... Here and there, it's my break actually." Delirious stated as He stretched out then slowly wrapped an arm around Ryan. Luke saw this and felt a thug in his gut. He hesitated a bit before loudly grunting, "Alright! Let's get ready," He spoke and got up, Ryan raised an eyebrow, "wait... Now?" Luke just lightly stared at the arm wrapped around Ryan. "Yes. Now." He answered while in his head, he was screaming, How Can He Not Feel That??!!! Luke bit his jaw and continued walking up the stairs. 'No rash decisions... No rash decisions... He isn't mine.' The four just looked at each other and shrugged before getting ready.


Evan and the others walked out of the school, they were talking with Marcel before a car stopped in front of them. The door opened, and Evan immediately know there's something wrong. "Evan, Tyler. Gentlemen..." Cody nodded towards the others, Craig, David and Lui greeted. Marcel just stared back at Cody or should he say... RacingCatz. "Cody, what are you doing here?" Evan asked, keeping his cool. "I'm here to drive you home Evan." Cody forced a smile, Evan just nodded, "Oh, and Tyler. You're coming with us. My...Dad wants to talk to you, about business.." Cody trailed off, Tyler just nodded. "Welp, guess we have to get going guys, See you Ev, Tyler." Craig spoke and lightly tugged Marcel, "let's go!" Lui happily said as David wrapped an arm around him. Marcel just obedient followed leaving Tyler and Evan with Cody. "What do you need Cody?" Evan hissed, as he got closer to his brother.

"Well... Eventually, the two vigilantes have some kind of an older elite men and that's where we'll come in." A figure came out from the other side of the car, it was Smii7y. Cody's partner. "Wait, what?" Tyler asked confused, looking between Cody and Smii7y. "So the people were looking for are apart in a group?" Smii7y nodded, "they are the two criminals me and Cody had recently found. They go by the names, Ohmwrecker and CaRtOoNz." He finished his response as Evan and Tyler nodded in understanding.
"But why you? How about Panda and Marksman?" Asked Evan and crossed his arms, Cody just shook his head, "they're both very busy. Hunting the ever wanted, Gorillaphent and Sattelizer. Now why don't we get ready? We already have a lead on to where those group's next target is." He finished, the four got inside the car and began driving towards their base.


"Alright, remember what we planned." Luke instructed, today him and Ryan would be the ones in look out and if they are not yet back in 50 minutes, they'll barge in there. Brock and Brian would need to handle this on their own, It is their training. Brock and Brian held their guns and nodded, they lightly opened the hatch from atop of the building and Brock jumped in first, being followed by Brian. Sneaking in the building is not an easy task, especially when Brian hits something every 5 minutes. And those sound could still be heard by the three up top. Luke sighed, they have to be sneaky in order to assassinate the lab artist. That's right, their up top on a marijuana making building. Ryan looked at Luke, then to Delirious, he's still kinda off... Delirious stayed alert, always looking left or right, Ryan slowly approached Delirious and placed a hand on his shoulder, He flinched with the sudden contact and almost tackle Ryan down, "w-what the heck man! Don't scare me like that..." Delirious trailed off, even with the mask, Ryan could feel that he was hiding something. "Delirious... What are you hiding from us?" Luke felt the tension and looked over the two's way.

"What's this about?" He barged in between them, Delirious started to sweat, "Delirious isn't telling us something. He's keeping a secret." Ryan answered, the masked boy backed up a bit, "Is this true Delirious?" Luke asked the masked male, "Jonathan F***ing Answer Me!" Luke yelled, his hands now grip along Delirious' collar. The boy just looked down, "I came to you guys to tell you about the news, There are some people hunting the new guys... and their bringing up backups. They somehow know you guys are gonna raid this lab but... There's a rumor that one of those agent sh** is Fong. That's why I didn't stop you, instead, I joined you guys so I could apprehend him." Jon finished, head down, Luke let go of his cloth, Ryan backed away a bit. "Why is apprehending this Fong guy important?" Asked Luke, keeping an eye contact with Jon. "You don't understand, Evan Fong is one of the two son of Mr. Saito Fong, our team had given me a task to eliminate the Fong family one by one. And when I heard that he might be one of your hunters, I gotta take the risk." He finished his explanation, regaining his posture and standing upright brave.

Two black cars soon became visible from a distance, this had made Ryan sped towards the hatch, "it's a trap." He spoke, speaking in his earpiece, "It's A Trap! Retreat!" He tried to reach to Brock and Brian but the signal was jammed. It's a fu***ng trap.

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