(15) Ready up

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"harder!" Gorilla shouted, instructing Ohm to hit harder on the pads, noticing the pace going slower, Gorilla observed Ohm before realising that he was punching blindly. Moving one pad to the side, Ohm just blindly continued to launch at the air before finally realising that he was not hitting anything. "W-why did we stop...?" He asked the taller man in front of him, Gorilla sighed before placing away the pads and taking a seat, "you're... Distracted Ohm, c'mon, tell me what is it, you can trust me," he clasped his hands together then stared at Ohm, showing him that he was ready to listen, But Ohm just disagreed, "naah... Maybe I'll take a lil bit of rest for a while... I'm getting exhausted here," he turned to face the worried look on Gorilla but still left the place, heading back down towards the cabin, Gorilla sighed, he know something is definitely off with that brunette,

Not long after Ohm left, Cartoonz came up in front of the guy, "Yo Mark, have you seen Ohm?" He asked the guy as he looked around. This made Gorilla perk his head up, "has something happened between you two?" Cartoonz sweat dropped, then sighed before sitting next to Gorilla. "So?" Gorilla asked in confusion before receiving a hum in reply, " Mmhmm..." Cartoonz answered and this almost flip Gorilla off, "what? Cartoonz, how come you didn't tell me???" He exaggerated while staring at the man sitting beside him, "because... It was our problem. Mostly my drunken side fault." Cartoonz let out a huge sigh, Gorilla patted on Cartoonz, "then go talk to him, okay? I know he can't hold the grudge forever." He spoke while Cartoonz stared at his palm, remembering the night yesterday, "yeah... Probably..."

Cartoonz then stood up and left,

Evan walk around the new applicants, all three of them are busting their ass off to train hard and prove their will. Evan stood by Lui as he slowly aimed at the target. "You hangin' there bud?" Evan asked as Lui shot his 22th bullet, almost hitting the center of it. "f*ck..." He breathed as he missed the bullseye, "don't stress yourself out dude," Evan patted his shoulder and Lui just nodded, Evan frowned at this behaviour, the stress might've been getting to him, Leaving Lui's scene, Evan headed over to Craig's side, he was in the clinic, receiving medical lessons. When Craig noticed the Asian man heading towards his direction, he immediately greeted him, "Sup man?" Evan gave a smile, "Hey, how you holding up?" The man then groaned, "it's screwed up! We need to go on training even though we would only be staying inside the facility!" Evan chuckled as his friend stubbornness, "what if this facility got raided? What if me or the others aren't there to save you? How are you going to protect yourself?" Evan asked as Craig just let out a bit annoyed sigh, "fine..." Evan chuckled, after a few minutes a hand grab over to Evan's shoulder, he swiftly turned around to see his brother with a serious look. "We need to talk,"

"What is it about?" Evan asked as he stepped outside the room Craig is in, "a shootout is about to start," Cody paused, checking to see a sign of panic into his little brother, then continued. "We have recieving signals lately, and their main target is to eliminate the whole agency." Cody finished as this left Evan mouth a gap, "you mean... The whole agency?" Evan asked as Cody nodded. Evan's mind immediately went off to the innocent lives that would be involve, including the injured ones like Tyler who still lay inside of his room, unconscious.
"Is there anyway to change the outcome?" Cody's face was unpredictable just as Evan popped that question. Cody pressed his lips together and formed a straight line, looks like something he didn't want Evan to find out, "what Cody? Tell me. If it's gonna save a hundred if lives, I'm willing to take a risk-"
"Our father." Cody cut off Evan, "what?" "The main target is to eliminate our father... If we are to sacrifice-"

"What?! Cody that's basically murder!" Evan exclaimed aghast, Cody sighed again, understanding his brother's reaction. "There's no other way, if you're willing to take the risk..." Evan gazed away from his brother, he couldn't understand what's going inside Cody's mind. Cody just stared down to his brother, sympathy washing over him but he knows he have to stay strong. "In the meantime... Look out for anything suspicious." With this Cody left Evan thinking to himself.

03 Days Passed

Ohm listened quietly in his earpiece, trying to get a response from Brock or Brian, he felt relief wash over him when he heard Brock's voice answering, "Bomb ready,". Ohm glanced over at Cartoonz then nodded, they both ran back to their runaway vehicle, not long Brian and Brock arrived, Cartoonz then pressed down on the paddle that sent the car moving fast forward, three minutes, the building behind them exploded and collapsed. Cartoonz grinned whilst Ohm and Brock cheered, Brian then took three giant gulps from his bottle, "Now that's how you throw a party!" Brian yelled once he finished. "That's the last warning, we're all set." Cartoonz explained as he continued driving. While driving, the engine suddenly produced unwanted noise. Cartoonz cursed under his breath, turning the key one more time before slamming his palm on the steering wheel. "What the actual Fu**?!" He yelled, "I'll go out and check-" Ohm offered before Cartoonz cut him off, "no, I'll do it." The pissed off devil got out and started to check on the hood,

The three remained silent, Brian ceased his eyebrows together, "what the heck is going on?" Not long after that statement, a frustrated grunt was heard, Ohm swallowed before opening his mouth, "I'll go check on him."

"Toonzy? What's wrong?" Ohm asked the dark haired man, before Ohm could get a response, two strong arms gripped around him then pushed him against the car hood. "C-cartoonz???" Ohm sweat dropped as the taller man hovered above him, Cartoonz's head dropped on to Ohm's shoulder, huffing out air, "I...just... This whole fight thing is getting inside my head," Cartoonz explained as he lightly hug the smaller man, "You think that it's not making me worry? I have spent the last few days trying to figure out if there's a peaceful way to settle this, what if we lose? What if... I lose you?" Ohm stared down the ground, he wasn't getting any sleep in the last few days and the thought of Luke dying was getting into his head. Cartoonz closed his eyes, of course Ohm would be thinking the same way. He too was afraid to lose Ryan. Every time he thought of that is making his gut twisted, the feeling of disgust overwhelms him every time he thought of it. He was even thinking of putting Ohm in a comma, at least then he would be safe, away from the danger. "Cartoonz.." Ohm called but Cartoonz kept silent, "Luke listen to me." Ohm's voice was stern and this time, Cartoonz raised his head, "whatever happens, I'll fight with you." Ohm spoke out, running his hands on Cartoonz' jet black hair.

This made Cartoonz smirked, his nausea quickly drained away, just seeing Ohm's determination made his day. Ohm grinned to see Cartoonz back in the track, but that expression only lasted until he felt Cartoonz's lip on his neck, his breath suddenly hitched, Taking this as an opportunity, Cartoonz continued to lick down on the man's neck, lust filled his eyes and pushed Ohm harder on the car's hood seemingly forgetting of the two more people inside. Ohm covered his mouth, trying to stop a moan. Cartoonz seemed to notice this and smirked slyly, "do it Ryan... Say it... Say my name bunny boy~ I would want to hear you moan it~" Ohm's face flushed and just as he opened his mouth a yell from Brian made the mood quickly vanish.

"For f**k sake! If you guys are going to have sex get a room!" The Irishman yelled, "well getting us stuck here in the middle of nowhere isn't exactly my plan!" Cartoonz yelled back then pulled down the hood, Brian rolled his eyes, Brock on the other hand remained quiet. Trying to drown out the voices, The pair re-entered the vehicle, twisting the key one more time. The engine started as Brian finally hosted back to his seat. "finally.." he breathed, Ohm remained red as a tomato, he could see from the rearview mirror that Brock was eyeing him.

05 Days Passed

Evan repeatedly tapped in his knee trying to calm himself down, he was getting restless, with all the explosion coming around from banks, factories, police stations... Evan glanced over at his unconscious partner, with shaking hands, he took a deep sharp breath. "Evan?" Evan turned up to see David standing by the door frame, "Oh, hey there David." Evan greeted, a bit relief to have a friend around. "I heard about the news..." David muttered. David had been training to be the navigator, the people who stays back inside the van listening through an earpiece, dictating on what the agent should do. He navigates. "It's probably going hell... Three more attacks had been reported." Evan spoke, his voice trembling. David sat beside him, taking Evan's hand and holding it gently, "I know, I'm scared too... Lui is gonna be there, although he's a great shooter that doesn't make him invincible to bullets." David confessed, his dark eyes darted onto his friend on the bed, "and I'm sure that Tyler's going to be fine... He'll do just fine.." David reassure his Canadian friend who manage to smile, "alright... Let's get ready." The two nodded and said their goodbyes before leaving the room. Not noticing the twitching fingers of the pale man,

Two Types /=/ Four PeopleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora