Chapter 1: The Beginning

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I open my eyes to see the shaded shape clouds from the open window, i slowly sat up bringing my arms behind me holding me up as i click my tongue but regretting it for receiving a awful taste from it. "Sigh" I slowly got up from my bed as I made my way towards the bathroom, opening the door and bringing the step chair to the sink. Climbing up as i was reaching over for my Toothbrush and grabbing the toothpaste, only to uncap it and spread some of it on the brush, Closing the cap as i started to brush my teeth.

After done cleaning myself i look over to the bigger bed to see my sleeping father, still in his shoes and his Cloak toss on the ground. I grab his cloak and put it on my bed neatly folding it as i slowly took off my Fathers shoes. It didn't seem to wake him up, i grab the blanket and put it over him as he stood the same. "guess he cant feel warmth or coldness learn somethin' new" i told myself in a whisper.

I went out of our little bedroom and into the kitchen to only see that the cereal to be placed on top of the fridge making me unable to get it "Sigh, guess gotta wait till Dad wakes up" I slightly gasp at myself.. "gosh...Uncle-Banshee accent is takin' affect on me" i said to myself.. I see my father's Ghost and their eye seem to look sleep-ish? "Good mornin' " i said to the small lil' ghost "Morning sweetheart, ill go wake up Cayde for he can feed you" The ghost stated "N-No! its fine.. i just need the cereal... that's it." i ask, the Ghost look up at the cereal, "Okay.. you better be a good catcher" the ghost they started to push the cereal box to the edge.

I bring my arms out as the box started to fall, the box landed right on my face, but i still caught it. "Yay, Cereal time'' i said the ghost chuckled as they went somewhere around the house.
(you live in the tower i didn't want to call it a dorm because idk it sounded weird to me)

I set Everything up for my cereal and of course putting back Everything where i found it, but the Cereal, the cereal could stay there. I started to watch TV. It was on low so dad wouldn't wake up, but i guess he just woke himself up right afterwards "Mornin' dad" i said to him as my hand wraps around the cold silverware and continued eating cereal. "Morning sweetie" Dad said as he laid down on the couch that im sitting on making his legs lay down on my lap.

"Ready for today?" Dad ask I nodded my head "Im ready" i said as I took some bites of my cereal, and watched TV. "Hey dad.. can you bring me with you, to the main tower. For I can see your real work and stuff?" I ask him 'Hopefully he would say yes..' I thought. "Yeah sure i don't see why not" Dad said as it seem his Exo's lights shine brightly. I smiled at myself as i took his leg's off of me "Oof" my father grunted as i giggled, i put my empty bowl in the sink.

I went into our room as i started to grab clothing for the day. I grab a white T-shirt, with blue jeans with a small brown sleeveless vest that look adorable on me, the breast pocket of the vest had the symbol of the Hunter vanguard logo, I started to put on my shoes until i felt a shadow behind me.. having the feeling someone was reaching over to me i turn around quickly and grab the hand pulling the person towards me as i knee their Stomach "OOF--" i heard a familiar Exo Father grunted. I look to see my Father holding his stomach "Remind me...not to try to scare you having from the back side..-- wait, how do you know that?" My father ask..

"It was a reflex... i seen Guradians do it in Matches when i watch some with Shaxx's" I said.. i wasnt completely lying, but i didnt want Uncle-Banshee to get in trouble. "Oh, so your Exo eyes are picking up movements and recording it, since you Part exo on your Arm, as it automatically did the needed part there to atually do the movement" my Dad said.. 'He sounded so smart...what?' i thought..being a bit confused as well, "Anyways! Lets go to my work!" Dad yelled as he wrap his Cloak around him, Of corse he change his clothing, and put on his shoes already somehow.

I held on to my Dad's hand as we walk through the rooms of the people who work here, The travler became in our view as we exit the Hangar (i forgot what it was called in destiny one. just the area where you get the ships and sparrows and stuff in that area)

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