Chapter 8: Father!!!

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"Well....Let's do this" i said...


I look at the open area with the scatter broken colony ship... Vex and the Fallen fighting against each other...

"How are we going to do this..." the Guardian's ghost ask.. "I know how" i stated... I spin both Hand Cannons as i held a tight grip on them.. "We'll shoot... and kill them" I said... i got off my Sparrow and ran in, Shooting The fallen. I could hear The Guardian follow right behind me. "Ghost...can you be my eyes from behind?" I ask.. "yes I'll set up a radar.." He a small circle show on the top left screen of my Helmet... A red box was filled if a Enemy was near by me.

I push a Captain into the wall as i shot their head right off. I aim my left hand cannon up as i shot a Dreg, causing them to explode... and taking down his comrades right next to them... I let out a shaky breath.. as a Huge Boss of the Vex appeared... The Guardian used their special Causing to kill the rest of the vex and Boss.

I nodded my head as i ran over to the Guradian.. They summon both of our vehicles as we race over through a huge cave open tunnel made by the broken ship.. "We are almost there" The Guardian's Ghost stated.. We Entered a new Area.. I notice that words appeared on the bottom left of my screen... Before i had a chance to read it... the words faded away.

Our sparrows hover over the very shallow water as i saw a barrier... I shot my gun at the Fallen as i park my sparrow nearby... The Guardian took care of their share of the fallen as i made it up the small set of stairs and to the barrier... "We have to kill the Fallen if we want to get in" The Guardian's ghost said... I nodded my head as i look at the Incoming ships of the Fallen.

I spin my dads gun re-loading as i did the same with my gun... "Fail Safe said they can see us, They got a Camera" The Guardian's Ghost stated... I nodded my head.. "Lets give them one hell of a show" I said..

I shot some Shanks on the right side Causing them to Explode Killing the Captain that was in the middle of the group..  A few Servitor started to show up... I took cover as three of them were shooting At me. The Guardian flew up and threw a grenade at them... causing them to all shatter. There was a Huge Captain with a Rocket launcher...

I look at how much ammo i got left, And see the Bar was yellow.. ''don't use it just yet, Wait" My Ghost said.. I took a deep breath and nodded.. The Guardian was running back over here, I shot the hand canno at The enemies who were shooting at them.. The Guardian Jump in the air as they shot the Fallen down to crisp and dust... Once everyone was killed the Barrier was open.

Me and the Guardian look at each other as we entered..

We see a Ghost hovering behind some fallen metal as a hand gently bring the Ghost down "Hey hey!" A very familiar voice said... My Father poke his head behind the Fallen Metal... I was Hidden Behind the Guardian.. "So its true... The Light did find its light.." He mumbled... I came out of 'hiding' as i see my Father... "D...Dad....?" I said.. His Optics widen as he seem relief to see me.. I ran over to him and hug him Tightly...  He hug me back as tightly as well. "Oh God your okay!" He said I took off my Helmet to reveal my Face.. Still having my hair in that messy braid.. and my hair in crazy directions... and My eyes, My Robotic eyes. One was Shinning brightly with blue and a hint of yellow.. and the other one, was shut off completely... Still having the small dent bellow my eyes because if the stress and wight.. causing me to look tired all the time.

He ruffled my head as i giggled.. "Lets fix up that eye of yours later okay?" He Said i nodded my head as he put me down. And he look over to the Guradian.

"And you, I gotta say, Thank you for watching over my Daughter... But with the enemies... You know the Fallen...Cabal... Vex, Calm down out there Your making me look bad, alright" My father said I giggled a bit, as the Guardian stood there.. "Anyways the teleporter?" He ask The  Gaurdian's  Ghost Summon the Thing as the Guardian grab it in mid air and toss it to my dad.

My Father place the device on the floor and open it up, "What are you going to do with that?" The Gaurdian's ghost ask "Im going to teleport myself up to the Captain.... have a little talk with him...and Then....Eat a sandwich" He said.. "What you can't do that!" The Ghost shouted out.. My Father threw out a piece of the device as he keep working on it "Well its one of the best shots we got with this--" He was cut of short as hid optics got smaller, The device was trapping his hands as he tried to get out.

"Even if you do that we don't know where Ikora is and Zavala said he needs you" The Ghost said, The Guardian nods in agreement. I try to Muffle my Laughter at my dads struggle. "Well i don't ca-- wait wait... Did you say.. Zavala needs me he said it... as you mean the Titan Vanguard" My father said with excited eyes... as his hands were released from the grip of the device.. He stood up and got closer to the Ghost and The Guardian... "Pleaseee tell me you recorded it!" He said

The Ghost didn't say anythin.. "Do you know where Ikora could be" I ask him.. He pay attention between me and The Guardian and their ghost. "IO, Ikora would go to IO, if she wanted answers..." Dad said..  "Then IO is our next stop on our list" The Ghost said..

"OH- Dad we have our Own HQ! Uncle Zavala, and Uncle Shaxx is there!" I said excitingly "Oh really? Cant wait to see them" He said as he look down at me "Your forgetting somethin'" i stayed It look like my Father was raising a eyebrow "And what is that im forgetting" He said... 'Now that i notice he's been tapping his foot the whole time its the same foot he has for his holster for his gun' I thought, i reach out for the Ace of Spades, And hand it over to him.. I could tell he's smiling.. He got down on one knee and ruffle my hair.. As he took the gun from my hand, "Its good to have you back kiddo... i missed you so much" He said... I smiled brightly.

He pick me up as he spin me around the Room.. The Ghost and  Guradian look in awe, "Okay! Lets fix your eye... Sit down on those stairs." He said.. I did as what i was told and sat on the small stairs.

The Guardian was leaning against the wall as the Ghost Hover over their shoulder.. My father got a few things he needed to fix my eye up.. "Okay lets get this done" He said.. He tap My temple.. as my whole entire left side of my head open up.. their was a blue hue over the small parts of my shown brain. "Woah... Is that..Her brain?" The Ghost said.. "Yes it is.." He said.. Cayde look around  and what is wrong.. my left eye was still off, "Ah i see.." he said he grab the hard drive again and then grab a screwdriver as he took out some nails... He fix up a few wires as he screw the  small layer of metal back in.. and re-connected the Hard drive.. He use very small metal sticks to hook on to a hole as he turn it slightly. My Eye flicker..

"Does she feel anything?" I hear the Ghost talk, "No she can not feel anything.. Shes on zerno mode... meaning she on well... 'Standby' She doesn't know what's happening in the world around her. but she can hear us" my father said, "She could be looking through data she collect here on Nessus..and reviewing them, or... i don't know... it is her mind" My father said...

My father dig the stick more into my exposes head as he pull out a cube.. My eye light up but it wasn't Blue and orange... is was Purple and Red.. "Ah...oh... Well that'" I can hear my father said.. "What is.." i ask..  "Well your eye is purple and red.." He said... he grab the cube in his hand.. is was very small, He tapped the cube, as it morphs into a new hard drive "What is?" I repeated... "And your repeating.. hm," He said, he plug the Hardrive in where the last one was at.. Both of my eyes turn off.. me seeing the Darkness...and unable to talk.

"Why both of her eyes shut off?" The ghost ask "Ah its just a new Hard drive that made her repeat... she was smart taking the one for seeing and putting it there for she doesn't Repeat.. but she will be fine give the hard drive a little while with its new environment" My father said.. I stood very still. I was Unable to move as well.

"Alright" The ghost said, My father touch my Temple again as Everything close back... "welp lets take her to the ship, lets go to this HQ (y/n) was talking about" I hear my father said.

-5 hours pass by-

I was laying down on a bed... My eyes started to light up meaning they turn on, I look around the room.. as i see my sleeping father on a chair beside the bed. I held my head feeling a slight headache starting to form... "So hungry..." i mumbled.. 

"Im glad...your here.." i mumbled again as i look out the window..

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