The mug was actually bought from a car boot sale and didn't mean anything to Ocean. In fact, she had forgotten she ever had to mug in the first place, only to find it when she cleaned the dishes the other day.

Regardless, Ocean stomped her way away from him and Niall tee-heed after her. Walking with her was turning out to be more fun than he had anticipated. Even though some people walked past them hardly bothering to look at them in the eyes, clearly intimidated by Ocean's angry demeanour, there were some that took double glances at the Irish lad but were not granted with the recognition as Ocean's quick walks were too fast for them to fully capture his features.

After a couple more minutes, Ocean finally spotted a Whittard of Chelsea shop and smiled with glee as she entered the shop.

The sales assistant's eyes widened when she saw the famous figure walk into her store following the blue-haired girl in front of him. The young girl that was on her work experience and counting down the days to leave the foresaken place and back to her computer, suddenly rushed to the couple buzzing with excitement as she tried hard to remain professional and keep a straight face as she asked them if they needed any help.

"We've only just come in!" Ocean snapped at the girl and shook her head ignoring her completely, before heading to the mugs and cups at one of the stands near the back.

Niall turned to the assistant whose face had turned as red as a tomato and apologised. "She's bipolar," he shurgged a shoulder as he watched her mouth form into a small 'o' in understanding and tried not to laugh. To Niall, that was payback even if it was in the most ridiculous way.

At the stand, Ocean began making faces at some of the designs on the mugs and huffed when she couldn't find one she liked. When Niall reached her, he was holding a flowery-patterned one that he had picked thinking she would like it and showed it to her.

"What about this one, eh?"

Ocean turned and hardly even glanced at it as she answered automatically, "No."

"But these flowers are really nice!"

"Are you gay?"

 "What? No!" Niall said quite baffled with the question. "Why would you even ask that?"

"Why did you take such an offense to the question?" Ocean tested as she raised an eyebrow in question.

"I didn't take an offen-"

"You snapped straight away! Have you got something against gays?" She stepped forward quite threateningly. "Huh?"

"No, of course not!" He took a step backwards also, trying to keep his distance. "What the f-"

"I have friends that are gay and if you ever try to say something in offence to them, I'll make sure you never-"

"Ocean!" Niall yelled at her and then saw the sales assistant turn her head towards him and immidiately lowered his voice, "I have nothing against gays, yeah? I also have friends that are gay and I would never do or say anything that'll offend them."

Suddenly, Ocean's eyes squinted and her mouth parted as laughter began to be heard. Niall, at first, was dumbfounded by her actions but then caught on almost instantly.

"You're just tryin' to wind me up, aren't ya?" Niall fired and shook his head, before making his way out of Whittard.

Ocean carried on laughing as she followed him out. However, as Niall was about to step out of the shop the sales assistant stopped him politely and nervously asked him if he could quickly sign something for her. Niall agreed and forced a smile as he waited for the girl to bring a pen. When Ocean noticed the forced smile and the tapping of his foot, she was bound to take his actions wrongly. Niall did want to leave, but merely because he wanted to get away from Ocean.

Cigarettes and Hickies [n.h]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant