Gauri Kumari Sharma Lives Again

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A tear ran down her cheek as she looked at herself in the mirror, a reflection of a complete stranger

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A tear ran down her cheek as she looked at herself in the mirror, a reflection of a complete stranger. Glitter eye makeup, fake rosy cheeks, and glossy lips, nothing more than a pretty doll on display. Her heart bled with every swipe of the cotton ball she used to remove this perfect mask. Turning towards her empty bed "gone again." This was nothing new anymore. The moment she stepped foot into this mansion she was now shackled. Thinking of her past she could only scoff at how things had turned out now. True Kali had chained her to enslave her but what was the difference now. Her heart felt like it was wrapped with thorny vines...slowly bleeding everyday. Looking down towards her feet what she saw were her invisible chains, chains that only she could see...only she could feel. With such a big family she thought she would be so lucky to feel familial warmth but instead she was push out to endure the coldness of loneliness. Her small family in Bareilly gave her more than what she thought she could have here. Thinking of her mom her entire body ached. "Was it worth it?" her tears were endless.

Trust. Faith. Devotion. These were the words that was suppose to bring her happiness, but instead she felt abandoned. "Was her god this cruel?" The man she has given her all to could not see her..he could only see through her. His smiles and happiness was not because of her. Once she was proud of the love that he had for his family but now she knew better, she was just his wife..not his family. Because if she was she wouldn't be here alone, once again. Slowly taking off her jewelry as well as the heavy earrings...even then.... the weight on her heart did not lift. All these luxuries around her were bars that held her captive. The smiles of every family member reminded her that she was once happy like them..home in Bareilly. "If I could turn back time would I choose another path?" just thinking of this made her legs weak. "Was it wrong to answer yes?" With a shattered heart she could only hug herself while leaning against the wall inside their empty room. "If I left would he chase me again?" "I hope not."

With all her might she pushed herself up to make her way to the shower. With the warm water trickling down mixing in with her tears Gauri knew this could not go on much longer. Stepping out and looking at a foggy mirror she takes one swipe to reveal her bare face. This was Gauri Kumari Sharma. She had now made her choice. A choice for herself. Drying up and putting on fresh clothes she walked through the big halls of Oberoi Mansion. With every step towards the door she felt lighter and lighter. She let out a long sigh..."this time I will not turn back. I will not go home. They will not find me to bind me." The best she could do for the man she loved was to poor her heart out in a letter for if she had to tell him face to face..she was sure she could not do it. But she knew he would be alright because the love he had for her was not as strong. One more step and she would be out into the open world..not even glancing back... you could only hear the faint echos of her bangles as if you could hear little sorrowful cries throughout the mansion. But yet again there was no one to hear them. What lies ahead she did not know but what she did know was that maybe day by day she would cry a little less. For the woman who was completely broken is Gauri Omkara Singh Oberoi. But tonight Gauri Kumari Sharma lives once again. 

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