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Om still being surrounded by Gauri's friends: Thank you so much for playing along. I promise that I will not take advantage of her in anyway. You have my word.

After hearing Om's gentlemanly speech everyone looked at each other and started to laugh hysterically.

Bhavya trying really hard to speak: Oh Mr. Oberoi..

Om: Please call me Omkara. I don't want Gauri to know my last name just in case she has heard it before.

Bhavya laughs even harder: Okay. But trust me she doesn't know who you are. The reason we all are laughing..... is...we are NOT worried for Gauri..... but rather we are worried for you.

Om: Me?

Bhavya: We hope you will survive till the end of the day. And do try to keep up with her. And trust me..she thinks she has spent $300 on you so she will not be holding back.

Everyone was still laughing where as Om was confuse as ever. "Survive?" Om didn't quite understand what Bhavya meant but he figured they were just pulling his leg. Rudra, Shivaay and Ranveer all patted Om's back as if sending him their condolences "Hang in there...." He knew Gauri was different but now he was beginning to feel a bit weary with all the hinted warnings. "But she looks harmless" Om thought as the petite woman was now walking towards them.

Gauri: Why are you guys laughing so hard? What is so funny? I wanna laugh too...

Bhavya comes and nudges Gauri "I was warning him that he should keep up with you since you paid $300 for him." Gauri then elbows Bhavya forcing her to playfully whimper in Rudra's arms. "Hey...don't make it seem like I paid for an escort. He is my boyfriend today." Gauri then walks towards a baffled Om "Don't listen to them. I have a great idea that would benefit us both today."

Om: Benefit us both?

Gauri winks at Om : Of course! But it wouldn't be fun if I told you about the plan now. Anyways I have checked us in so we are free to roam around the resort. So what do you guys wanna do first?

Looking at the girls, Gauri knew that they wanted to split up and walk around the resort with their significant other. "Gosh..its okay to split up today. I have a boyfriend so you guys are free to spend time with each other. But don't regret it when you realize that it is only fun when I am around."

Bhavya/Anika/Priyanka in unison: WHATEVER!

Gauri started to laugh "well the resort is not that big so pretty sure we will bump into each other...but at least we can meet for dinner?"

Everyone decided that was a very good idea. Gauri was right about the resort being small but it had charm. The resort itself was surrounded by the clearest blue water you can imagine. The sand was so fine that you could walk barefoot. And there were high sea cliffs which had protective railings where you could stand to look out towards the water and feel the swift breeze caused by the crashing waves. Gauri knew exactly where she wanted to go the minute she looked at the cliffs on the resort brochure. As the rest of the gang wanted to walk along the beach Gauri looked at Om and pointed to the high cliff overlooking the sea. Om didn't see anything wrong with the idea..thinking of the fresh breeze blowing against his face would actually be relaxing. Om smiled at a delighted Gauri and the two started to head toward the cliff. On their way there they could see all the couples enjoying the romantic atmosphere and holding hands as they admire their surroundings. Seeing that Gauri stopped walking and looked at Om "let me see your hand." Om lifted his right hand and watched Gauri as she interlock her hand with his " lucky you don't have sweaty hands." Om could not believe she just did that. He didn't noticed but he was laughing quite loudly. Gauri looks at him "Good. You are finally laughing. You should let loose Om. You don't have to restrict yourself when you are with me today. I will help you become the best "Valentine RentEE" available! I am a romance novelist you know. Who better to show you how to be romantic if not me?" Om raised an eyebrow "How did you gain so much experience if you don't mind asking?" Gauri gave Om a huge proud grin "I watch all kinds of romantic dramas: K-dramas, American romcoms, JDramas, Chinese dramas, I read mangas, manwhas, whatever you can think of I've either watched it or read it." "So what you're saying is that you don't really have first hand experience but rather you get ideas from other outlets." Gauri grabs Om's arm to pull him close and whispers "but that will all change because I have you today." Before Om could ask her what she meant he was already at the cliff.

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