Chapter 10

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It's been 24 hours and jahseh and I haven't said a single word to each other. I haven't even seen him, maybe it's for the best that we don't conversate right now. I'm not gonna hold anything back, I sat here on the couch and didn't get a bit of sleep. Why? Because I felt like the police were on their way any minute now.

Jahseh beat a defenseless man in front of a whole restaurant of people. I'm aware of the guy trying to pull something but Jahseh should have made a better decision. We could have got up and left, call the police, confront him without causing an issue. There were so many options he could choose.

I was then pushed out of my own thoughts by a door slamming. There he was, Jahseh, coming down the stairs with a noticeable scowl on his face.

" Jahseh?" I called out. He completely ignored and walked passed me. I yelled his name a louder but still no response.

"Jahseh, you can't just ignore your problems nor me. This won't solve the problem we are having." I watched as he grabbed a bowl and walked to the other side of the cabinet. That's where we keep the cereal.

Since he wasn't listening to my words, I'll just have to be physical. I snatched the bowl of cereal off the counter and threw it. I then grabbed Jahseh's face and faced him towards me. " Look at me Jah, we can't dwell on the past right now. I know your upset but we just have to go forward. Right now, let's be alert and make sure we don't see that dude's face again."

He didn't say a word but I knew he was listening and his eyes are closed. Without thinking, I smash my lips onto his in hopes of getting a reaction. He began to kiss back soon after, I pulled back to see his eyes open with hints of red in them. He obviously hasn't slept as well.

" I'm sorry." He whispered. Jahseh wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. I pulled away and took his hand into mine. " Lets go get some rest." I spoke as I lead both of us upstairs.


Jahseh and I well asleep for damn near 12 hours. I'm assuming that the police weren't called, thank god, I don't wanna see Jah in hand cuffs anytime soon. I turned to jah, who was still asleep, and watched as his chest slowly fell up and down. His face displayed nothing but peace, I loved seeing him this way. I hate seeing with upset or emotionless like he has in the last couple of days.

I slowly step out of bed and head my way downstairs. To keep the good mood going, I decided to make breakfast for both of us. As I walk around attempting to find all the ingredients I need, I'm interrupted by a knock on the door. " Shit." I muttered.

I set everything down and slowly head to the door. After taking my time and listening to the constant knocking I finally go to the door. I opened it slowly to reveal an irritated Kia standing at the door. " Scarlet, where the hell have you been!? I've been calling, texting you and leaving voice mails. What's been going on?"

" Kia, I love you, but you need to calm down a bit. I'm sorry, a lot has been happening these last couple days Alright, sit down and I'll tell you everything." I explained before she got even more upset. " And since you're here, you're gonna help me make breakfast."

" If I help can I have some too?" She jokingly questioned. " Really Kia, Yes you can have some."

By the time I got done with the story, we had already finished cooking and Jahseh was still sleep." You mean to tell me, some dude has been stalking you and Jah. Jah found him and beat his ass. I almost don't believe you." She began to laugh.

" Kia, I'm serious. This man followed me to the store, talking about "I'll see you soon". Who knows what intentions he had in mind." I reminded her.

" So, he might be standing outside your kitchen window right now?" Just as she questioned I went into an instants pack. I quickly scanned my eyes over to the window above the kitchen sink and saw nothing. I became confused until I hear a fit of laughter coming from Kia.

" You know what, I can't fucking stand you. If you don't believe me, when jahseh wakes up look at his hands." She rolls her eyes and smirks.

10 minutes later, I hear our bedroom door open and close. I turn to see Jahseh slowly coming down stairs with his head down. Kia and I had already eaten, so there was only food left for him. " Look at his hands." I whispered in Kia's ear as I got up. I met Jahseh at the bottom of the stairs and pulled him into a tight hug.

The instant He wrapped his arms around me, I heard a slight gasp from Kia behind me. I lead jahseh to the counter and fixed his plate for him, again, I just want to have a chill and stress free day. I let Jahseh eat and walked over to Kia, who was still siting on the couch in distraught.

" Damn Scarlet, You were that serious. His hands are nothing but bloodied and scratched up. I'm sorry girl, you need to call the police. If the stalker was serious to the point of Jahseh beating his ass, something is up." She spoke softly.

" I know Kia but Jahseh beat him up when he was just minding his own business. I don't want Jahseh to be convicted. Right now, I just wanna wait it out. "

She nodded her head in understanding.

I turned around to take a look at Jah, I really don't know where to go from here. I want everything to smooth out go back to the way we were, no arguments, talking everyday, enjoying each other's presence. Now there's just so much tension.

I just have tell myself everything will be alright.


I'm back and writing. I took a nice long break and now I'm back. I will try to update every week. I apologies if some of the chapters I post are short. I'm trying to get the story to flow quicker and easier.

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