Chapter Thirty | Four out of Five.

Start from the beginning

"Don't act so innocent," she playfully scolded, getting up to put their rubbish in the bin. "Um, I also told my parents you got your memory back and that was why you left."

"Why don't we just tell them the truth?"

Miranda nearly dropped the rubbish when she realised he was serious. "What?"

"Well, maybe leave out where I've been, but I trust them to know." He shrugged.

"Would you trust say, Abby and Rory too?" Miranda busied herself with the bin, and Braydon quickly picked up on that.

"You told them?"

"No!" Miranda defended, before barely whispering the next part. "Maybe just Abby."

"What? Miranda!" Braydon was up in a blink, remembering how scared Abby had been after she slapped him. "How could you?"

"I was drunk! I'm sorry! But we'd watched a lot of Sex in The City and The Notebook, which may I add I will get you to watch as payback for all the times I had to watch Spiderman!" She promised. "It just kind of happened."

"I guess if you trust her, but oh. You didn't tell Jason did you?" Instantly Braydon went on guard.

"No! He'd be the last person I'd tell about that!"

They both went quiet.

"Miranda, are you, serious about us? I mean it when I say I'm yours." Braydon held her gaze, looking for doubt or some kind of sign that she didn't believe just how invested he was in their relationship now.

"Well now that I've had what you've got to offer, I guess there isn't much use for you anymore." She kept a straight face for above five seconds, which was enough to make Braydon's stomach churn with anxiety. "I'm kidding. Why would you ask that?"

She wrapped herself around him, and noted how he held her a little too tightly.

"I just wanted to make sure. Things aren't going to be easy for us."

"Have they been so far? As cliche as it sounds, as long as we are together, we'll get through it. Don't worry so much!" Miranda kissed the tip of his nose before tidying the kitchen and sorting out the washing, yet the weight of his decision was heavy on his mind.

He'd have to defend her against other shifters, and who knew if he could really just walk away from the Corbani's that easily. He wasn't going to be naive enough to think it was over, especially when Miranda was involved. Not only that, but were other threats too. Would they have pups of their own and if so, would Miranda be strong enough to carry a shifters young? Would they be able to shift like Chad, would they even survive the change? 

While Braydon was completely zoned out; lost in thought, Miranda put the roses in a vase and once she was done, saw the smaller bag that Braydon had brought with him.  Snapping her fingers in front of his face a couple of times, he came out of his daze. "Whats in the bag?"

"Oh. Um. Stuff." He mumbled.

"Okay, well we can share a wardrobe here if you wanted stake a claim on some of the hanging space before I started to unpack?" Miranda went to go over to his things to take them upstairs only Braydon ran over and stopped her.

"It's not, well this one isn't clothes or anything." He held is possessively, guarding it like a dog with a bone.

Miranda hesitated, before nodding. "Okay, well you store it on some of the shelving space if you like? I was just going to fill it with my shoes."

Braydon began following her back upstairs, yet the urge to tell her hit him hard and unlike last time where it resulted in a stalkerish voice mail filled with heavy breathing, he blurted it out. "It's stuff about my family."

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