Lies through Rhythm

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Hanzo hasn't ate, hasn't slept. His body was weak and ready to collapse. Genji feared for the health of his older brother. Bringing a bowl of ramen noodles he slowly walked into Hanzo's room. "Anija I brought you some delicious ramen Lucio cooked up" Hanzo scolded at his brother and looked away. " Brother, you must eat, please. your health is going down drastically." Hanzo shook his head as he laid stretched out on the bed, his tangled hair covering half his face " I Am fine Genji. Stop worrying about me". His voice still held a stern tone, but weaker. "Brother, I will not let you fade away in misery. Jesse will come back. Have Faith". Hanzo glared at Genji then shook his head. "For all we Know, McCree could be dead." Genji sighed sitting the Ramen down on a desk close by, then he turned back to the miserable man he called his brother. "Hanzo, Jesse sent a letter, well more of a sheet of a lyrics from an unknown so-" "let me see it!" Hanzo demanded sitting up as fast as he could. Genji nodded taking the dusty folded paper out his pocket and handing it to Hanzo. He hesitated to open the note, There was a drop of blood on the tip of it. "Jesse......" Hanzo murmured as he opened the note and read,

"And if the night is burning I will cover my eyes For if the dark returns then My brothers will die And as the sky's falling down It crashed into this lonely town And with that shadow upon the ground I hear my people screaming out Now I see fire, inside the mountain I see fire, burning the trees And I see fire, hollowing souls And I see fire, blood in the breeze

  I see fire, oh you know I saw a city burning (fire)
And I see fire, feel the heat upon my skin (fire)
And I see fire (fire)
And I see fire (burn on and on and mountains side)  "

Hanzo reread it over and over. "this doesn't make sense, fire burning? Mountainside? could he be trying to give us a location"? Genji thought for a long hard second "perhaps." There has been a recent fire in Germany, an entire town burnt down near  Zugspitze mountain. That maybe be talon's doing and Jesse giving us a warning about it. We must information Commander Morrison".Genji helped Hanzo to his feet "together." Hanzo growled at his brother, As they made their way out of the room and down the hall. Hanzo and Jesse had the room farthest away from everyone so that when they messed around in bed everyone wouldn't be able to hear Hanzo's groans. But now no one could hear Hanzo's sorrows at night. win/win really. They pasted Zarya's room, where Mei and Zarya were laying around together chatting and eating ice cream. Hanzo envied at the sight of a happy couple and insisted that Genji sped up to past the room. But before they left the hall the steps of the powerful women thumped behind them.

"Hey, Dragon brothers" a strong Russian accent cried out " either of you seen puny cowboy? he owes my girlfriend $50". Hanzo growled lowly at the word puny But Genji responded before Hanzo could "he is away on a private mission, he will return shortly". Zarya scolded a bit and returned to her room. "how dare she calls Jesse puny" Hanzo growled lowly. Genji found it adorable when Hanzo got protective over Jesse. " I'm sure she didn't mean it personally, she was just being intimidating, normal Zarya. Now come on, Jack should be in the training center." The training center was on the other side of the headquarter. And with the stamina Hanzo had, the walk took a good 30 minutes. Jack was doing his 500 push ups when the Shimada brothers stepped in.  "Hanzo, Genji what do you kids need?" Soldier76 took his mask off and revealed his sweat face. "Um, we were wondering when Jesse would return from the mission you sent him on". Hanzo remained silent while the two talked. 

"Mission? sorry Genji but McCree wasn't send on mission anytime recently."

"but he was suppose to go uncover into Talon" 

"No, that was assigned to Hanzo..........How was the mission Hanzo? you look tired"

Hanzo remained silent as his eyes widened. "Jesse lied to me-" Hanzo cursed under his breath. Just then a pair of sweaty hands covered in dirt, ash and blood wrapped around Hanzo's arms. 

"darlin-" said the female voice.

to be continued-

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 28, 2018 ⏰

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