Best Mistake

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Song Recommended:

A Thousand Years - Christina Perri
Because Of You - Kelly Clarkson


I can't stand this world anymore, what did I do to deserve this, all I imagined for our future; gone. Everything vanished by just one wrong move he did, I regretted driving away like that. If i'd just stay there and listen to him argue his way out, he could've been alive right now.
"Natasha, I'm really sorry. I knew that you loved him with all your heart but people sacraficed themselves for the ones they love. And that's what he did, for YOU" Cameron said gripping onto my hand, still holding on tight.
"All my fault.." There were barely any words coming out of my mouth, they were soft and shaky. There was nothing else I had of him, only selfies on our phones, a picture of him and I potraited and a wrist band with his name on it. That's not enough, I want him. That's all I want.
"Listen, Natasha. He wanted me to give this to you" Cameron handed me a blue box, I opened it and there was a ring, it was a dark blue ruby with crystal around it, the ring I had always wanted for an engagement. I cupped my mouth, tears started to come back, everything flooded back. Our memories, our times together, the things we did.
"H-he was g-g-going to p-propose?" My voice shaky as ever..
"Yeah, he was going to propose that night but he made a mistake, he really did" I held the box close to my face, I rested it on my forehead.
"I do Nash, I do." I kept repeating it, hopeing somewhere up there he could hear me. I heard a faint voice in the wind saying "I love you to" It was really soft, sounded familier to Nash, it could've been him, telling me his last words.
"Cameron, please can you hand me my phone"

"Sure" He walked over to get my phone, it was next to the tv stand.
"Here" I took the phone out of Cameron's hands and opened Nash's last voicemail that he sent for me. I held it close to my ears and leaned back down onto my bed. I clicked play:
"Hey, Natasha! You didn't answer my call so yeah, haha. Just wanted to tell you that I love you and let's meet up somewhere nice for dinner tonight with the others? Yeah? Okay, love you! Bye beautiful" It ended, by then my cheeks were all sobbed, the scars on my cheeks stinged, the pain is steaming around that area causing me to cry in pain. My body was shaking, I looked up to see a emergancy button, I clicked it and the nurse answered right away. All I did was cry/scream into it. The doctors came rushing in along with 2 other nurses.
"Everyone please get out" The nurse said shooing all the boys including Moa out.

The Night That Changed My Life (Nash Grier Dirty Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz