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Songs Recommended:

Human - Christina Aguilera

The Monster - Eminem ft. Rihanna


I sat there soundless- my eyes glued to the reality show on tv. I took small sips of my hot chocolate, eyes still glued stuck on the tv.

My phone buzzed multiple times, I decided to check it; it was a text from my dad. It red: Natasha, I'm sorry but what I did was wrong. I'm sorry I raged at you and your "boyfriend", please come back home and we can talk about it. Please, I love you. Love Pap x

I rolled my eyes at the message, clearly annoyed of how he's been acting lately and his casual mood swings. I finally got the nerve and answered his stupid text.
Alirght, I come back home. Only to get my things and leave, I don't want to mess around to much because I hated staying with you. See you later, pap.

I switched off my phone and stuffed it back into my side pocket. I told Nash about it and agreed to let me go, if anything call him. I walked outside back into the beautiful wilderness of North Carolina. I drove the families black jeep, rolling down hills- the fresh Carolina air stroking against my hair as I drove by on full speed.

"What shit does he have in plan this time?" I gulped to myself, not taking one eye of the road as my muscle tensed up as I turned each corner. I finally reached my home street, I took a deep breath in as I pulled on my driveway. I parked the car right infront of this big beige coloured house, lit up with yellow lights. I locked the jeep and walked infront of the dark colored wooden door. I pressed the doorbell, shivers ran through my spine telling me to just drive back- I ignored my senses knewing that I had to face my own father no matter what.

The doory swang open revealing a pissed of dad, he crunched up his nose and knitted his eyebrows together flinging his big cold hands across my tan colored face. My head flung to the side; feeling the pain race trhough my veins, my eyes gripped together tightly slowly absorbing in all the pain. I held my slapped cheek with my palm, looking at my father strait in the eye. I knew he wanted to get me back for having another boyfriend except "Tanner". My father agressively, pulled up his legs and kicked my right in the stomach, I flinged back to the ground hitting the hard concrete floor. My dad started to kick my stomach repeatedly- myself, blood splatering out of my mouth and between my teeth to the perfectly cleaned concrete.

"Dad" I whispered, starting to loose consouseness. My eyes flickered a couple of times. "Please stop" I prayed, trying to stop myself from going into deep sleep. I held my hand out, seeing him look at me for a second then everything went black. I blacked out.


My eyes sprung open by a feeling of being held, I was being shaken by a unknown man, my vision was blurry, I blinked them to clear my eyes and the blurriness flooded out of my eyes. I wanted to speak up- ask the man who he was, how did he find me? But I couldn't my voice was gone from all the screaming and yelling from the earlier fight I had with my father.

"Lady! Lady! Are you okay? Please be awake" The man said placing both of his hands over my chest and pumping my heart. It was starting to get really irritating and it made it harder for me to catch my breath.

"I-I'm okay" I sniffed, pushing his hands off my chest. I sat up being greeted by a pair of brown chocolate eyes. It couldn't be, It can't. I knew exactly who it was and I never thought I'd see "him" again. Oh no.

"Well, well, well, hadn't seen you in awhile" Tanner says flashing a cocky smirk at me.

"Get away from me Tanner. You don't belong here" I spat, giving him a slight sneer. He looked at me, disgustion and hate in his eyes. I knew he wasn't going to let me go easily, I guess it's time for me to run.

The Night That Changed My Life (Nash Grier Dirty Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt