Back Together

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I stood there, watching people shoving and pushing through the doors and running towards there favourite idols. A blonde and a brunette ran towards us. They were so pretty. 
"Can we take a selfie?!" The brunette one shouted, almost crying.
"Sure" I hugged her and her other friend was photographing it. Then the brunette one went to Jc and the blonde one came to me, then we reapeated the cycle. By then, we did about 50 people already and I was so tired. It's only 16 more minutes until we perform on stage. I looked over to Nash's booth, I saw girls crying, kissing him, hugging him and so on, I stood there blank as I saw a girl wrap her legs around Nash's torso, I felt tears start to form in my eyes, I just brushed them off, I took out my phone and crawled underneath the table, I opened my twitter and looked at Nash's timeline. All the tweets were relatable, It touched me, all of them.

NashGrier - True love hurts, and this could almost kill me
NashGrier - I would give it all to not be sleeping alone tonight
NashGrier - I missed your soft lips on mine

NashGrier -I swore to god, that was the best night of my life.

Those tweets made me feel really bad, I shouldv said sorry when I had the time too, Now what am I going to do with Jc? I shouldn't had planted that kiss on him. I made a mistake. I decided to brush it off for now and enjoy today. It was announced that it was time that we were going on stage, I walked there miserably, alone.
"Comeone Natasha, babe. What's wrong?" Jc said as he tries to comfort me.
"No, I'm fine, go. I'll follow in just a minute" I said as I covered my face from him.
I stood behind a the magcon poster. I cleared my up my face and followed the people up. I instantly went backstage. I chatted with Sam and Ricky for a while and something changed. Nash was on stage, I heard his voice and I was brightened. I listened to him carefully.
"I wanted to tell this girl in my life that, I was sorry about what I had done to you, I never shouldv cheated. I am trully sorry. If you guys had seen my tweets then you'll know that these past 2 days I had been extremely sad. I am stupid for doing those things. If you are hearing this right now, I just wanted to know that I love you and I would never leave you again, you'll be locked in my arms forever. Come out from backstage if you accept my apology." I stood there, frozen. I didn't know what to do, then my heart spoke up. I ignored my sences and just ran out. I ran out from backstage and hugged him. I wrapped my legs on him and kissed him countless of times, it felt so good having him in my arms again. I could hear people from the crowd cheering but there were some boos. I jumped off of Nash and kissed him one last time on his jawline. 

The Night That Changed My Life (Nash Grier Dirty Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora