Not so Avengers - Story 3 (Part 2)

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Peter POV

Peter has a little bit of reading time before going on patrol. On patrol, he is in the middle of fighting a few thieves, who he refers to as Ms/Mr Criminal, when he decides it would be a good time to get stabbed.

"Ah, I can't believe you've done this!" He yells to the one who threw it, ripping the knife from his side. He webs up the one that stabbed him, and sidesteps another bullet. "Mr Criminal, how much dang ammo do you have? For gods sake Red, I'm not going to rip their eyes out, what the hell?" He dodges another weapon, webbing up the one with a gun. He manages to catch the last one, and leaves a small note for the cops.

'Dear cops, these guys were a bit more trouble than most, so be careful. -Spidey'

He swings to the compound, which was closer, loosing a not very good amount of blood. When he arrives, he goes to Tony's lab there, where he keeps most of the more advanced first aid resources. The knife went really deep, and he was getting queasy. He forgets that his class got tours to both the tower and the compound. He manages to stop the blood a bit with a web, before passing out from the blood loss.

Tony POV

Tony was walking down to the lab, trying to beat the class there to pack up some more confidential things before they get there, but when he arrives at 6:00am, he sees something he hoped he wouldn't see ever.

"Peter," Tony repeats, trying to shake the kid awake. The kid doesn't budge, so he wraps up the wound, and tries a different method.

"Ah!" Peter yells in response to the ear horn right next to him. "Dad!" He says, realising quickly and trying to backtrack. "Mr Stark!"

"Nu-uh, kid. You can't go back to Mr Stark now." Tony says slightly seriously. Peter groans, but gets up when he sees the time.

"I got you up with enough time to get ready school and still help out here for a bit, your welcome." Tony bows dramatically.

"Ughh, I'm just coming right back... here... anyway..." Peter trails off. "Mr Stark," he says cautiously, "did my school see what happened in the training room?"

"Yes, they did. Buuut, they signed NDA's, so they won't be saying anything to anyone." Peter sighs in relief, before wondering how he is going to explain anything to his class.

"Ugh." Peter sighs, getting ready for school, before going back to the lab to help for a bit.

Steve POV

Steve knew he made a big mistake.

He didn't realise it until he got his ass handed to him. If he's being honest, he doesn't really hate Tony.

He, uh... He kinda likes him. Too much. Small problem, well, two small problems. 1) He doesn't think Tony's gay, and 2) He kinda made Tony hate him.

So he tries to forget, forget his feelings, forget everything but hate.

It never works, and he knows he made a mistake. The only way to fix it is confess, but they won't believe him.


"Wanda?" Steve asks wearily, walking into her room, seeing her sit on the bed reading.

"Steve." She acknowledges with a tilt of the head and the putting down of a book. He steps closer, and she shies away. "Whoa, dude. What are you so anxious about?" She asks curiously.

"I need your help." He says, accepting defeat with a head hung low. "I messed up, Wanda. I messed up real bad." She laughs.

"It took you this long?" She says, but becomes serious again soon after. "What do you need?"

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