Embarrassment Supreme - Story 1

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This one shot has:
Bully Flash


Peter sits in class, waiting for the bell. It can't be that hard, right? The bell will go, and he will get out of there.


"Class, I have an announcement."


"We are going on a field trip!" Peter looks at Ned and MJ to see his own delight mirrored in the former's eyes. Field trips were great, because you got a day out of school to go have fun somewhere, and apparently the rest of the class agreed.

"Class, CLASS! If you aren't quiet I will personally make sure you don't go!" Silence falls across the room, and the teacher continues. "We are going on a trip to a very important company, and I expect you will be on your best behaviour." The class either nods or says a quiet 'Yes sir.' "We are going to Avengers Tower! We may get to meet to Avengers themselves, so make sure to grab a permission slip on the way out and return it by Thursday. The trip is Friday, so be quick!"

There was nothing the teacher could do this time, and classrooms on the other side of the school could probably hear them. All except Peter who immediately groans audibly at the mention of the tower. Unfortunately, Flash, sitting on the other side of the classroom, heard.

"Oh no is Penis Parker worried that his little lie is gonna get found out?" Flash taunted.

"Ignore him." Ned whispers under his breath. Peter replied saying what else would he do. He can't exactly punch Flash with his super strength.

Peter isn't even worried about Flash. He is more worried about his family. He can't let it get out that he lives with the Avengers, no matter what. When he gets home he is going to try and talk to Pepper and see what she can do.

The class streams out of the classroom, and Peter and Ned sprint to where Happy was picking them up, to avoid any unwanted encounters.

"Whoa kid, slow down. Why are you in such a rush?"

As soon as he is in the car Peter immediately starts yammering on about his day, excluding the part about the field trip and Flash. Ned just sits quietly waiting for his friend to finish so they would talk about what they were going to do that afternoon.

"-Oh and we got our chemistry text results back and I got perfect and in maths we learnt-"

Happy shook his head at the kid, pretending that he found it annoying. The kid had really grown on him, and he was one of few people that made Happy smile.

Even Ned was excited when Happy finally said "We're here."

They walked in and got their badges out, and as they walked in FRIDAY announced,
"Ned Leeds - Alpha level 7" and
"Peter Parker - Alpha level 10."

"Shoot," Peter whispers to Ned as he hears his name. "Everyone at the field trip will wonder why I have the same clearance as the Avengers." He starts to freak out but is cut off by the person walking into the room.

"Pete! Ned! Whats up guys?" They say, hearing the end of the whispering.

"Nothing really, now, do you wanna go build LEGOs and watch Star Wars?" Peter says to his boyfriend.

"Yeah but I've only got like 1-2 hours otherwise Sue would kill me." Johnny replies.

"Okay well how about we head up to my room and we can get started?" Peter asked Ned and Johnny.

Peter Parker (With A Side Of Avenging) Field Trip OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now