Again, Kevin Lexxi and I found ourselves in the back of an ambulance with Jai on the bed answering questions about what happened. We stuck to what we all said we would do.

We told them exactly what happened but said we didn't see their face and have no clue who it was that did it and wouldn't no one person that would want to.

"We don't know who would want to do this to him..." Kevin said holding mine and Lexxi's hands. "This is all very weird, and you saw nothing?" One asked. "Not one thing." Lex said.

"What was he wearing?" Another asked. "Black track pants with white lines going down on the sides, an over sized black hoodie that was covering his face, and Nike sneakers."

"Okay, we'll do the best we can to find out who did this to your brother." One smiled sadly at us. "Thank you so much." I said putting on a sad smile. I focused on the white light I could slightly see in the corner of my eye...

It's been there since Jai's come back. I don't know what it is but it's always got my attention now. Whatever it is it's extremely annoying and needs to find the exit door!

I stopped looking at it and it went away. If I didn't pay any attention to it, it left. I looked at Lexxi who had her hand cupping her cheek. Then Kevin who just had his entire face in his two huge manlyish hands.

I sighed quietly so no one heard me. I looked out the window. For some reason this trip to the hospital was a lot longer than the first one. Was it just because I'm worried? It's probably about the same amount of time from the first time around.

I looked down at my hands. They took Jai out and brought him into the hospital. It's about god damn time... We got out and followed them into the hospital check in area place thing.

I make lots of sense!

We sat in the waiting room and two hours later a doctor came out. "Jai Jones?" He asked. The three of us stood up. "Jai is doing fine but we're keeping him in for further exams, come with me to see him." He said.

The three of us followed him into Jai's room where he was asleep. "He's not woken up yet but when he does call in a nurse." The doctor smiled leaving the room. We sat down.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked playing with my ring. "Keep him as safe as possible, if that means moving again, then that's what we'll do." Kevin said.

I shook my head in agreement without looking up from my rings. Lexxi was chipping off her nail polish, I was playing with my rings, and Kevin was playing Flappy Bird on his phone while we waited for Jai to wake up from his long nap.

I huffed in annoyance. Lexxi looked up from her mostly chipped off nail polished nails. "It's taking too long." I rolled my eyes. "Can't we just wake him up ourselves?"

"No Maci. It could effect his remembrance patterns." Kevin rolled his eyes. "Whatever." I rolled my eyes. "We're going to have to ask you three to leave." A nurse smiled sadly. "Why?" I asked confused.

"Hospital is closing and no people that aren't parents or closer relatives can stay." A nurse said. "We're his siblings." Kevin smiled at her. "Still, only one can stay." She smiled sadly.

"Lexxi we'll go home, Kevin has a better chance at protecting Jai than we do..." I said. "Okay." Lexxi said collecting her things. We walked out and Dani drove us home.

"Ugh, that was long and tiring!" I groaned jumping on the couch. Lexxi sat on me and I flattened out like a pancake. "Ow!" I yelled laughing. "Shut up you know you love me!" Lexxi yelled while laughing.

I pushed her off but made sure she didn't fall off the couch just so that we were next to each other instead of her sitting on my back. Danielle rolled her eyes laughing and walked upstairs. "Oh yeah.... Danielle's kinda pregnant." Lexxi said laughing.

"Kinda? It's either she is or she isn't..." I laughed. "Okay well she is." Lexxi laughed. "I just hope there ready." I smiled at my sister. "I think they are." Lexxi smiled at me.

"I hope so." I smiled. Lexxi and I headed to our own rooms and went to bed.

***NEXT DAY***

I woke up in loads of blankets and pillows. Last time I checked I slept with the same amount of pillows and blankets as usual. One small green throw blanket and four soft throw pillows.

I shrugged it off and got in the shower then got dressed. I walked out of my room and was surprised to find that both Dani and Lexxi were still in bed. I woke them both up after making my special double chocolate chip pancakes.

They ate and we went to the hospital. Kevin was sleeping in a chair in the corner. Luckily I brought them some pancakes I wrapped up and brought for them to have.

Kevin ate his and we all talked. The nurse walked in after we got her because Jai woke up but he didn't want to talk. He could he just had a sour throat.

I made him some coffee to help his throat and he was able to talk again. "So Jai, how do you feel?" I asked him. "Fine." Jai smiled. "Jai, who attacked you?" Kevin asked.

"No one..." Jai said looking down. "Jai! Answer the question!" Lexxi yelled. "Dad..."

Counting our Stars (Nash Grier)Where stories live. Discover now