The old duke let out a breath before he answered, “I’m here to talk with you.”

“Talk with me? About what such matters?”

“Matters with the heart,” he simply said.

I was taken aback of what he said that gave me such surprise. We never had such this kind of talk, besides business, estates, company and our standing status in society. This was something new and I’ll admit it feels different. Talking some matters that did not involve the usual talks.

I gave him a small smile before I gestured him to sit on the couch, thinking of his old age that he shouldn’t be standing too long. By the time he was settled, I leaned back at my study table before I faced him. “Is this something regarding about Belle?” I guessed. Perhaps, that was what he wanted to talk about since tomorrow was the wedding.

“Actually its about Miss Mason’s cousin,” the duke said. “I think Miss Sausa was her name.”

My eyes widen at what he said. “Raine?” I said to myself than commenting back to my father.

“I never realized you two were in first name basis,” he mused.

I secretly cursed, reminding myself that people having status like us aren’t keen and very particular in calling out first name. Society itself much preferred to be called by their surname or their last name, thus it was rare to call each other their first names. Unless, they are close friends and something more.

“Anyways,” Greyson didn’t pushed through in asking why Raine and I were in first name basis, which I’m very thankful for the change of topic. “I presumed that Miss Mason must have brought Miss Sausa so that she might find herself a husband.”

“What!?” I didn’t mean to yell, although any words coming out from my father’s mouth kept me off guard and surprised.

“She must still be single,” Greyson continued. “In fact, I’m guessing all the bachelors from the ball are hoping that she is still single since, they are quite smitten by her beauty.”

Obviously, men weren’t that blind not to recognized Raine’s beauty, I said to myself.

“Although, she might not be available since Mr. Archer was always been with her during the party, and if I’m not mistaken,” the duke said before his eyes met mine, “He’s also smitten by Miss Sausa.”

To that point, I snorted at my father’s conclusion.

Of course, Raine wouldn’t settle for someone less like him. But Marcus Archer wasn’t someone who was less, because he owns a company who is well known all over the world, thus would be a probable catch for anyone, especially Raine.

No, no, no!

Marcus and Raine are just friends as what Belle told me. Somehow, I can’t help myself, that even though they are just friends, be jealous when I see them together.

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