*26* Stone

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You were frozen still, muscles sore and weak. Hanging onto to life as you were also hanging from chains still. A week passed and they continued to torture you for no reason, they couldn't figure out how to get the spell to last longer and you wouldn't help them. No matter how much they tortured you, you'd rather die than put the world in danger. They kept the staff close enough to you that you weren't able to use your magic, the hole from the bullet didn't heal quickly enough causing excruciating pain throughout your system.  You were whipped on your back and hit over the face with a small metal bat, the first few times it hurt so bad you would pass out but now you've become immune to it. Your back was numb and you could barely move your face, your wrists began to bleed from the metal cuffs against your skin.

They'd usually come in once a day and chuck a bucket of freezing cold water over you, they fed you almost nothing and you were slowly starving to death. You were covered in dry blood and dirt, you never spoke when they asked you questions. You try moving your fingers but they only twitched, the large metal door opened and Nickolai walked into the room with his hands shoved in his pocket. A guard walks in behind him and Nickolai holds his hand out to the soldier, he places one of the metal bats in his hand and leaves as Nickolai walks towards you.

"Are you going to cooperate now?" He places two fingers underneath your chin and tilts your head up, you look at him before closing your eyes. He swallows and takes his fingers away, you drop your head and you hear him walk around the room. "Tell me how to fix the staff." You look up at him and glare, he places his hands on his hips and taps the black metal rod in his hand. He flicks it open and it becomes longer. "I said. Tell me. How to fix. The staff." He walks closer to you and you turn your eyes to look behind him. "Tell me!" He yells, you hitch on your breath and slightly jump in fear.

He walks closer and strikes you over the face with the tip of the bat. Your cheek throbs and you keep your head low, he grabs your face and you shut your eyes tight from the bruises and cuts. Tears fill your eyes and you breath heavily trying to get rid of them.

"Staying quiet won't save you or anyone." He hisses at you, you open your eyes and the tears fall down the sides of your face. "Aw. Did I make you cry?" He mocks and pouts his lips. You snarl at him and spit on his face, he steps back and wipes his face as you death stare him down. "You little shit." He growls as he walks closer to you, he wraps one hand around your neck and you begin to choke. "Tell me how to fix it." You try hard to breath.

"No." You get enough air to say before he removes his hand from your neck and you cough.

"I guess you'll just have to suffer." You look up at him and your breath was uneven as your throat throbbed.

"No matter... how much you torture me. I will never. Tell you how to fix it!" You try and catch your breath, he places his hands on his hips and looks up as he takes a deep breath. You try moving from side to side and your shoulders burn and stiffen up, you look back at him and stare him down. "Anytime now they'll come for me." You say calmly, he looks at you and you spin your wrists around trying to loosen them.

"Not if you're dead." Your heart began to beat faster but you kept a straight face as he walked towards you. He grabbed your face and made you look up at him as he looked down. "Don't worry." He smiled evilly and you stayed still. He raised his hand in the air and snapped his fingers twice, the door opened and two soldiers walked in. Nickolai let go of your face and took a step back, you watched the soldiers as they walked over to your cuffs and unlocked them. You fell to the ground and yelped, you were too weak to lift yourself up and it was hard for you to move your arms as they had been spread out above your head for over a weak.

The soldiers picked you up under the arms and dragged you across the floor and out into the hall. You were dragged down the dirty hallway and into a dark room with one light dimly lighting a fold-out chair in the middle of the room, they drag you to the chair and make you sit. They tie your wrists to the chair and you sit there slightly dazed and confused, Nickolai walks into the room and leans against the wall with his hands in his pockets. A man in a white lab coat wheels a metal table into the room with small trays of things, you squint your eyes and look closer to see the black staff. You try closing your eyes to teleport but it doesn't work, you start to become restless and you fight in your restraints.

"Calm down." He rolls his eyes as he walks to the table and removes the stone from the staff. "Let's see what this does by itself." He holds it up to his face and looks at it before smirking at you, you breathe heavily and lean back into your chair as far as you can. He walks towards you and you look away, he hovers it only a few centimetres from your face and your skin burns as your veins glow turning blue and black.

"Stop!" You yell as he continues to hover it over your skin, he moves it to your neck and your throat begins to burn and close up; your breathing was ragged and uneven as he moved it closer. "Please, stop." You plead as tears fall from your eyes, one lands on the stone causing Nickolai to fling it from his hand as a small smoke puff comes from the impact. You look at the stone to see the colour fade into a dead grey, you look at Nickolai to see him squeezing his face tight and holding onto his hand. You look back at the stone and you feel stronger, you quickly part your arms and your wrists faze through the ropes making them fall on the floor. You get up and Nickolai looks at you, he grabs a gun from his holster in his suit jacket and points it at you. He shoots and you surround the bullet with blue wisps, it flys and hits the wall.

"Stay back!" He yells at you as you slowly walk towards him. He keeps his eyes on you and you keep your eyes on him, a crackling noise echoes through the room and you see a red flashing light hanging in the corner of the ceiling.

"Y/N?" You hear a familiar voice say, you don't move your eyes from Nickolai but you look at him confused. Soldiers walk into the room holding guns and they quickly surround you, Nickolai eases and evilly smiles at you. "Y/N?" You recognise who it is and look up at the small black camera.

"Bucky." You smile in relief.

"Where are you? What's going on?" He asks as the black tv that was hanging just underneath the camera turned on to show a worried Bucky.

"I don't know." You look at him and he sits on the edge of his chair, the world slowly spins and you hold your head and try to pass the feeling.

"It's nice to see you again... Winter." Nickolai says as he walks into the camera view.

"Nickolai! If you harm her I swear I'll-" he's cut off by Nickolai.

"You'll what? Find me? Kill me? You're not the only one Barnes." He evilly chuckles, Bucky clenches his jaw and you look up as your head ache fades. "And as for you." He holds up the stone and you hold your hand to your mouth as you feel tears run down your face.

"Stop!" Bucky's voice echoes through the room, you stand there with your head facing the floor and your eyes closed with tears rolling uncontrollably down your face. To soldiers grab your arms and you shoot your head up screaming and crying, you thrash in their grip but get nowhere as they were too strong.

"Looks like your tear didn't last long." He says as the stone slowly makes you weaker and glows stronger. You break down into tears and try to get out of their grip, he coos you but you scream louder.

"Get away from her!" Bucky screams, Nickolai looks at the camera and smirks before turning back to you.

"Say ba-bye." He says calmly to you and you let your legs give out underneath you, they keep you in the air as you sob. Nickolai brings the stone to your forehead and presses it into your skin with his palm, you scream as your eyes glow blue and your skin slowly cracks and glows like your eyes. You hear Bucky scream as the world turns dark.

Bucky's POV

I keep screaming at them through the computer as a blue light explodes and destroys the camera, I sit there with my mouth parted and tears rolling down my face. The screen buzzes and I close my laptop, I fall off my chair and rest my back against the desk as I try to process what had happened.

"Bucky! Open the door!" Steve yells as he continuously pulls on the doorknob. Tears stream down my face and I look around shocked, my breathing becomes uneven and I hear a click. I stare at the foot of my bed as I see a figure running towards me in my peripheral vision. "Buck what's wrong? What happened?" Steve asks worried, I can't hold it in anymore; my chest hurts and I bury my face into my palms and cry.

"What happened?" I hear Tony say and I look up to see him placing two small metal tools on my tv unit. I look up at Steve and shake my head in disbelief of what I saw.

"She's gone." I choke on my words as more tears fall, Tony stiffens and looks at me shocked. Steve falls into a seating position and looks away with tears threatening his eyes, I rest my elbows on my knees and cover my eyes with my right hand as tears fall again.

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