*25* Whip

475 11 5

Bucky's POV
"You all have some sort of poison in your system from that explosion, the only thing is, it's not a normal poison that is found here on earth. It's like she created it herself." Shuri says as she fiddles with a tablet.

"Is there any way to cure us?" Natasha asks and Shuri looks up at her.

"Mhm. You just have to rest. Drink lots of water to speed the process up and it'll just naturally go away."

"How long would it normally take?" Sam asks.

"Well I don't know for sure but I'm estimating around 1 to 2 weeks." She looks at her tablet again. "If you want, I can give you guys something to speed it up. It's faster than drinking water but you have to be around a bathroom all the time." She shrugs and smiles innocently at us.

"Look I don't care, I'm already around a bathroom anyways." Sam places his hand on his forehead and sighs.

"Well Sam's in. Anyone else?" She asks and we all say yes in unison. "Steve, you, Bucky and Peter are going to be better before anyone else is." We nod. "You can all go and do your own thing, I'll come find you when I'm done." She smiles and looks down at her tablet as everyone walks out of the room. I help Sam as he looses his balance a couple of times.

"If you drop me I will personally hit you."  He mumbles as I slightly drag him up the stairs.

"I'd never." I sarcastically gasp and I can tell he rolled his eyes.

"I hate you." He mumbled and I chuckled.

"I know you do." I say as we reach his room, I open the door and he falls on top of his bed. "Do you want anything before I leave?"

"Nah Im good." He mumbles into his sheets.

"Ok." I laugh as I close the door and walk to my own room. I spot the staff on my dresser and go take a closer look at it, I pick it up and bring it to my bed as I lay on my back and examine it.

"Don't you think you've looked at that enough?" I look up to see Tony standing at my door drinking a bottle of water. I look back at the staff and shrug.

"I don't know." I mumble under my breath and I can see Tony lower his head in my peripheral vision.

"I know you're worried about her." He says as he walks towards me and sits on the end of my bed, I move and sit up laying my back against my headrest.

"I'm pretty sure everyone knows that." I sigh.

"Well, you two are a lot closer than the rest of us." I clench my jaw and squint my eyes out the window to my left. "Look, what I'm trying to say is that she'll be alright. We'll get her back and we won't have to, you know. 'Kill her'." I look look at him and he gives me a reassuring smile. "She's like a daughter to me and I'll do anything to get her back. And I know she'll come back fine." I give him a small smile and he looks around my room.

"Thank you, Tony." He shoots his head towards me and smiles.

"Well, I'm feeling a little dizzy so I'm going to go lay down." He chuckles before getting up. I couldn't help but feel a little more comfortable around him. He left and I looked back at the staff, getting up I placed it back onto my dresser and laid on my bed. I take a deep breath in and close my eyes as the world spins. Tonight is going to be a rough night.


Your eyes opened slightly before closing again, you felt something cold around your wrists. Your arms were spread in the air as you dangled with your feet dragging on the floor every time you moved slightly. Your head was hung low with your hair dangling over your face damp and wet. You heard a clang and tried lifting your head but you didn't succeed, pain struck through your skull as someone grabbed your hair and jerked your head up. Your lips were parted and your eyes barely opened before closing again. They let go of your hair and your head spun around before falling, you heard footsteps behind you and you froze when they stopped. Something long like a rope hit the floor and you tried to move your fingers but they only twitched. A sharp noise rang through the room as a stinging feeling slithered across your back, you screamed in pain and you tilted your head back and squeezed your hands tightly into fists. You felt something cold run down your back and you started to cry, you were wearing a loose grey shirt and a loose grey pair of pants that were soaked and dirty.

"You're finally awake." Nickolai says as he walks into the room, your eyes were opened into slits and everything was blurry from your tears.

"You-" You pause as you breathe deeply and cough out blood. "You're making a mistake." You hiss at him and spit out the remaining blood in your mouth.

"No. No. I don't think I am." He puts his hands in his pockets and you glare at him, you smile evilly before laughing.

"You're mad... because the spell isn't lasting." You chuckle and he swallows. "You'll never get it to work. As long as I'm alive, it will never last!" You hiss at him and he looks behind you, he raises his brows before lowering his head and walking out the door. You hear shuffling behind you before you're hit again, you scream out in pain and you hold tight onto the chains as the whipping continues. Your voice cracks and you only make muffled yelps underneath your breath as you slowly fall unconscious from the pain.

"Find a way to make that thing last!" Nickolai hisses at one of the engineers who followed him. He nods his head and scurries off. "Go help him." Nickolai tells one of the soldiers and nods his head towards your cell door. The soldier nods his head and flicks his metal bat open before walking inside. "That'll teach her something." Nickolai whispers under his breath before tugging on his suit and walking down the hall.

Save ME {Bucky x reader}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum