Chapter 3

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I'm not learning to escape my darkness, I'm learning to love myself there.
~Rune Lazuli

The Friday before school started I was in one of my lows. The joys of suffering from bipolar 2. Around five o'clock that night, Pax and I went to our first therapy session with our new therapists.

The sessions lasted an hour. I was to come here three times a week after school for one on one therapy and I was supposed to join group therapy. I hated group therapy.

"Hello, Emma, it's lovely to finally meet you," My new therapists, Dr. Jo Anderson, greeted with a bright smile.

"It's nice to meet you too," I said, sitting in the couch across from him.

"I've read your file and I know about your mental Illnesses but I'm just going to start off by asking how your doing?" He asked.

I shrugged. "I'm in kinda one of my lows right now."

"How bad do your lows usually get?" He inquired.

"It....depends," I said. "My worst was the night I tried to commit suicide. It hasn't gotten nearly as bad since but I've also been in a psychiatric hospital."

"How bad is it now?"

"I just really want to sleep and never wake up and I'm hearing the voices," I answered.

"What do the voice say or talk about?"

"Sometimes it seems like they're have conversations with me, other times they want me to do harm to myself and tell me horrible things."

We spent the rest of the hour talking about my feelings and being back here. He made sure that I was taking my medication and trying to not fall into the black hole. After the hour was up I said I'd see him Monday and went out to the waiting room.

Auntie was there sitting on the couch and reading a book. "How was it?" She asked once she saw me.

"It was good," I Said. "I really like him, he's nice."

"That's great!" She beamed. "I'm so happy your doing better."

"So am I," I mumbled. We waited till Pax came out and Auntie bombarded her with the same questions.

We left the building and got into the car. Pax in the passenger seat and I in the back. It was a good day. I was feeling better and kinda excited about the school year to start.

Heat Of The Moment by Asia woke me from my peaceful slumber. My 'low' was coming to an end and I was feeling more like myself. I dragged my body from bed and dressed for the school day.

I wore black skinny jeans, my black batman sweatshirt, black and white vans, I was sadly ready. I grabbed my phone from my bedside table, slung my backpack with my stuff in it over my shoulder, I headed downstairs.

"Morning, auntie," I gave Shelly a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning, kiddo," she ruffled my hair. "You guys are getting cereal for breakfast." She grabbed the boxes of cereal and pushed them towards me. "I've gotta run tell Paxton that I love her. Love you have a good day!" She rushed out sprinted through the house.

I made myself a bowl of cereal and sat on the bar stools shoving my face, waiting for Pax to get her ass down here.

We needed to leave soon. If we didn't we'd be late. We needed to be to school and hour early so we could get everything ready.

Finally Pax got her ass down here and made a bowl of cereal for herself.

"Took you long enough," I grumbled putting my empty bowl in the sink.

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