Chapter 8

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Gavin's apartment.

Conan's POV.

I managed to get the day off for Gavin and I, for our first official date. I woke up early, cleaned the house, and bought food. I was making breakfast for Gavin. I made pancakes and I was in the middle of cooking bacon when Gavin came into the kitchen. "Hey sleepyhead," I greeted him.

"What cha cooking good-looking?" I shook my head slightly smiling to myself.

"Your favorite pancakes with peanut butter and syrup and I'm also including a side of bacon." He smiled and sat on the ground to pet Cash. Chicken was on the counter bothering me. I put Gavin's plate on the table and helped him up. A loud commotion outside in the hallway startled me.

"Give me an autograph!"

"Is it true you programmed the code for androids to go deviant?" People yelled lots of questions. Then, a familiar voice rang above the crowd of noise.

"Please people, calm down! Can you please tell me where Gavin Reed lives?" A large collective groan came from the hallway.

"That prick lives here!" someone yelled. Though I wished it not to, knocking on the door interrupted the now silence. Gavin groaned.

"He did not come here!" I sighed and opened the door so Elijah quickly entered along with Connie. Once inside, I closed the door. People yelled at the door. "I'm a detective and if you don't leave I will have you all fined!" I yelled through the door and all the yelling stopped.

"Hello Conan, is my brother here?" Elijah and Connie stood in Gavin's living room.

"I'm not here dipshit!Leave a message at the beep and go away !" I heard Gavin yell from the kitchen. Elijah entered the kitchen and I followed him. Gavin was eating his breakfast while the cats sat on the table watching him, curiously.

"Wow real animals? You could always get android cats." Gavin rolled his eyes.

"Whatever fuck face." Connie glared at Gavin. "So what do you want?" Gavin asked Elijah. I hope he doesn't ruin Gavin and I's first date.

"Well Gav, I knew you wouldn't talk to me again if I gave you a choice. So I thought we could hang out as a surprise." That angered me, I knew Gavin wouldn't let this happen but Elijah would just force his way in. I had to put a stop to this.

"Actually Elijah, Gavin and I are going on our first date and then shopping for tux's for our friends wedding," I snapped. I wasn't going to let this rich ass dirt bag force his way into our day. He smirked.

"Oh, is this true brother? You are going on a date with my creation?" Elijah asked Gavin. He blushed then nodded.

"I am going on a date so can you please get the fuck out." Elijah nodded.

"Fine but I will force you to hang out with me another day." He then left.

Thank god! I hated it when he was around. Gavin and I got ready.

"Hey Conan, I heard there's a place that serves food made of thirium for androids." I nodded. "Okay, let's go then," Gavin happily said.

At restaurant.

Gavin's POV.

For some reason I was soft around Conan. I sat at a table and some lady came up to us. "Hi-um-can you please leave that thing outside? It might be deviant and well... that makes me uncomfortable," the lady asked. This bitch had some fucking nerve.

"There is no sign that says androids aren't allowed. Actually, there is food for them here, so they are welcomed and I will not leave him outside!" I yelled at her. She then touched Conan.

"Is it deviant though? Wait--are you like... dating it?" Her stupid questions made me angry and Conan looked upset.

"I'm sorry, can you like shut the fuck up? I would like to have a nice date without being insulted." She gasped in horror.

"You are dating an Android! That's disgusting! That is so horrible! You are going to hell you fucking pig!" she yelled at me. Conan stood up quickly.

"Shut the fuck up and leave us alone! I'm so fucking tired of people insulting him!" Conan yelled at her. Then a waitress came over.

"Is this person bothering you?" she asked us.

"Yes. Can you please ask this fucking thing and this man to leave?" the women responded. The waitress rolled her eyes.

"Not you, I was talking to these men." The woman then stormed out. "I am so sorry about that, I'll make sure she gets banned. What would you like to order?" the waitress asked, sweetly. We placed our orders as Conan sat down. "People like that make me sick. Judging people for who they love... love is love," the waitress said and went to go place our orders. Conan smiled.

"I will love you no matter what, Gavin." Conan made me blush. Sometimes he was so sappy and loving. It made me question why he liked me.

"Conan, why did you go deviant for me?" I asked him quietly. He tilted his head.

"Well when I first woke up I stayed at Hank and Connor's house. They seemed so close and he made me feel... lonely, I guess. I wanted someone like that. Then I met you, you seemed like you needed someone. You were a prick to everyone but you were nice to me--well sort of--and I like Hank and Connor. You just stood out and I guess I like that about you." I smiled softly.

"Fucking toaster." The food arrived and we ate.

"Well since you asked me a personal question, I'm going to ask you one. How'd you get your scar?" I looked down and messed with my food. "Gavin I'm sorry, I didn't know it was personal," he apologized, making me feel bad. It wouldn't hurt if I told him.

"Well, when I was in the police academy, I went home after a long day and Elijah was working on his machines like usual. It went haywire and it cut really deep. It wouldn't stop bleeding so they had to rush me to a hospital. They had to quickly do surgery because some stuff got stuck. I got stitches and my mom still wasn't mad at her precious Elijah. She was mad at me for needing stitches and wasting money." I sighed. Conan looked shocked.

"She got mad at you? Wow, I guess that's why you hate androids, because of Elijah." I nodded and finished my food.

"Let's drop the sad story and go do something fun!" He grinned, lighting up the mood.

A/N I'm grounded now for being stupid but ill continue to update cause my mom can't stop me from using the school computers I'm glad people are actually enjoying the story it's really gay just like me anyway I respond to almost comments if I don't respond that means I don't know how don't forget to like and maybe check out my Instagram Quinn_the_fox03

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