Chapter 12

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Lance's POV

Sitting next to Lance was a blonde girl called Nyma, people had said she was crazy and that she and Rolo, her boyfriend  had done some weird shit over the course of last year. Lance thought she was pretty for a 'crazy' person.

The teacher at the front of the room cleared her throat.
"Good afternoon." She said warmly.
"Welcome to my biology class. I'm Miss Honerva." Her sparkly hazel eyes contrasted her dusky indigo hair, pulled back in a loose bun.
'Lance for fucks sake stop thinking the teacher is hot, she's like 30' he told himself firmly.

Miss Honerva handed out worksheets. Lance grinned at Nyma.
"This looks easy." He overconfidently said, luckily Nyma laughed.
"Haha, yeah it is easy."

She pulled something out of her bag.
"Do you like by pencil box? It's name's Beezer. It's part of an early prototype for some robotics I was doing." The pencil box was white and grey metal with a small screen and cat ears with neon blue lights.

Lance realized that this girl was definitely crazy and way out of his league. So he made a small laugh and went back to his worksheet.

Later that night Lance got an unexpected call from his mother.
"Buena noches Mama. What's up?" He spoke into the phone.
His mother sounded worried.
"Chico it's  your nephew Mateo, he was diagnosed with brain cancer this morning, the doctor can't do anything about it.
"Nothing? Really?"
"No I'm sorry Chico there is nothing that can be done. When can you come visit?"
"Fall break's in three weeks, I'll find a way to get a ride back to Scottsdale then."
"Alright then. Buenas noches."
"Adios Mama." Lance set his phone down, shaking slightly.

Keith came into the room.
"Lance is everything alright? You're almost as pale as me." Lance slowly nodded.
"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just thinking of a way to get back  to Scottsdale for fall break."
Keith thought for a bit.
"Ya know Shiro and I drive through there on our way home. We can drop you off if you like?"
Lance smiled slightly.
"Really you'd do that?"
"Yeah." Keith replied.
"Its really no big deal."

Keith slung his bag down.
"Also we're having chicken soup with the band tonight so we don't need to eat at the cafeteria. Oh and Romelle's coming too." He said.

"Romelle and Allura are so cute together." Lance said.
"Yeah." Keith replied.

They sat around the table while Hunk poured chicken soup into bowls from what he called his 'monster thermos'.
Pidge called it 'Satans portable hell' because of how hot it got.

"This really great soup Hunk." Romelle said while chewing a piece of chicken.

"So how were everyone's days?" Allura asked.
"Me and Keith went back to school today." Lance offered.
"Yeah it was like starting the semester all over again." Keith stated.

After eating the best soup ever Keith and Lance walked back to building 6.

"Keith, this might sound crazy but-"
Keith stopped and stared at Lance. His black hair blowing slowly in the night breeze, the moon lighting up the lilac in his eyes.

"I like you. In fact I really like you. A lot."

Keith's POV

"I like you. In fact I really like you. A lot."

He felt his cheeks burning. Looking up at Lance's glistening blue eyes.
Keith stepped up to Lance. He hugged him tightly.
"I guess I feel the same." He let go of Lance.
"Sorry I have to be alone." Keith strode away from Lance, who stood there for a second before walking back himself.

Woop the first Klance stuff! lemme know what you think.

Red and Blue-a Klance AU. COMPLETEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon