Before I could speak, he spoke, "Where the fuck is my breakfast you useless bitch?"

"I w-will make it n-now," I stutter as I scurred to the refrigarater to get his breakfast ready. A drunk Desmond is the worse Desmond. No sense of reasoning when he is like this, so I listen to him and do what he says. Becauses when he threatens I take them seriously and I know he is serious when he makes them too.

"I w-will m-make it now," he mocks, "You better make it fast, if you make me late because of this you're dead," he threatens again staring at me in disgust as he turns to leave.

I nod, hurrying to prepare is meal. "Hey bitch," I turn to look at him. "My friends are coming over later, so you better cook enough for everyone," Desmond says before leaving.

What I am most afraid of, even more than Desmond himself, his is friends. They are huge asshole's who throw nasty comments at me, causing my skin to crawl and the looks they throw at me makes me want to crawl under my bed and hide. They would strip me naked with their eyes and eye-rape me. Their nasty comments sure doesn't help either when they see me.

I once spoke to Desmond about it and he told me off and that I should suck it up and get used to it. So, now I must prepare myself for their unwanted stares and comments.


Feeding Rose and putting her to sleep, I put her in my room and locked the door. I could hear Desmond's four asshole friends pouring in. Knowing I had to serve them, I dressed in my most big and bagy clothes. If it was up to me I would stay in my room until they left, but trying to keep the peace I did what my cousins told me to do.

Walking into the kitchen, I heard a voice that made me still. "Perky chest is that you, you're looking perker in all the right places everyday, I see. When are you going to give me some of that perky ass of yours?" I turn to see Jake standing there smirking and then Dave join in, "Yes Ozaria, when are you going to get us some of that fat ass. I know Tom and Johnny would love some too and I know Desmond won't mind us banging you"

"Get us the damn food Ozaria!" Desmond says walking in, "How can you guys get the hots for that trash?" he asked his friends, shaking his head with a look of disgust on his face.

"It maybe your cousin, but she is hot, look at her boobs and ass" Jake says licking his lips. "What I wouldn't do to have some of that?"

'like hell you would, you disgusting pervert' I wanted to shout at him, Probably slap his huge ass head too. I feel sorry for his mom, who birth him, he probably messed up her va-J-J with that large melon of on head.

I shiver in disgust at his words at I try to ignore what they are saying about me. The evening went faster than I thought. While serving them I blocked out their nasty looks and comments. Soon enough I was hurrying to do the dishes as they drown themselves in Jack Daniel. I didn't want to be in the same area as them when they were drunk out of their minds.

Leaving the kitchen, I rush towards the stairs in hopes of not seeing any of them again and safely locked in my room. But it seems lucky was not on my side as I felt someone grab my arm pulling me back. Looking over my shoulder I saw it was Jake.

My blood ran cold as I feel my heart beating wildly threatening to burst. My fear of him escalates at the wicked grin that spread across his lips as he takes in the shock and terrified expression on my face.

"Running from something, are we?" Or running from someone?" Jake ask, smirking at me. His eyes lite up in mischief as he pulls me towards him, while backing me in a corner.

"N-no, I a-am just g-going to t-the b-bathroom," I told him stuttering, trying to get away.

He tightens his hold on my arm, "I can tell you're lying to me," Jake whispers in my ear, making my blood run cold, "I can tell you want to get away from me ........ and you will when I am done with you"

He pulls me against him tighter, as I trash in his arms trying to get away.

Suddenly, the house was filled with the wailing of a child crying and I knew it was Rose. Crying out because it was probably dark and I was not there to hold her.

"OZARIA, shut that thing up, before I am force to do it," I heard Desmond called out from the room next door and although he is the devil wrapped in a bow with unicorn wrapping paper, I am happy for his voice at that moment becaused it caused Jake to release me. As soon as his arms loosen around me, I dash off up the stairs once more, but not before hearing his last statment, "This is not over. I will get you again and there will be no one to save you"

Reaching my room, I locked the door and bolts to keep them out if they ever decide to come up here. I feel so dirty, being in the arms of someone so perverted as Jake, it makes my skin crawl thinking about it. Only God knows what would have happen if Rose hadn't cried out.

Rose is my savior in her own way.

Cradling Rose to me, I held her tightly whispering to her to calm down and that I was here. Once she calm down, we both went to sleep. I hoped her dreams were filled with happiness, unlike mine that were a constant nightmare, reliving the news of our parents death over and over again.


Unknown's POV (Present Time)

The young lady's name whose I could never forget is Ozaria. She's so beautiful and fragile, yet so strong. I am quite worried about the fact she has been in a coma for the pass two month and shows no signs of waking up. The doctor says she may have locked herself in this unconscisous state because of the trauma she went through in the rouge attack.

Little Rose have not stop crying and has refused to leave her sister's bed side. I had learn of their relation when Rose explosed in a crying tantrum, when she saw Ozaria on the hospital bed laying lifeless. She kept on crying, "Pl-please w-wake up Z, I l-love y-you, si-sissy"

My heart breaks even further when I see the little girl wailing so hard at her sister's situation, knowing it was because of me this had happen. I had tried to calm her down by promising her Ozaria will be okay.

It's seems I may break my promise as Ozaria shows no signs of waking up any time soon or if she will ever wake up at all.


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