2. House Warming

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Onika Tanya Maraj
May 16, 2018
Atlanta Georgia

Onika Tanya MarajMay 16, 2018Atlanta Georgia

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"Bey." I shook her lightly as she slept.

"Beyyyyy." I repeat again.

She alway sleeps like a dead man after we have sex all night.

I sighed before going into the bathroom to take a shower.

I wanted her to join me.

I turned the shower on and climbed in letting the steaming droplets grace my sore limbs.

Bey was absolutely right when she said that we hadn't been spending that much time together these last few months.

School life and work kept me very busy.

After the big move to Atlanta it put me in a bind.

After the whole incident took place with evil add Carol, and I was in the hospital for some months I lost a shit load of money on medical bills.

I had a lot saved up but that didn't change the fact that I wasn't bringing any in while I was laid in the hospital bed.

Then after the move I checked my bank account and is had a measly 15 grand left when I started out with 100 before going to the hospital, that's why I been busting my ass these last few months.

I was trying to stack my paper back up so me and my wife can live overly comfortable.

I know I had to scarfice time with her, but it was all going to be worth it in the end when she got her dream wedding and exotic honeymoon.

No lie though I did have my hand in other endeavors now.

I had found myself back into the drug game unbeknownst to my significant other.

So not only was I investing In my men, the same men were selling my dope for me. In a course of two months I had doubled what I had in my account back in New York.

I know this shit is dangerous, but until I graduate from school with my degree in psychology, I will not put a halt on it.

I know soon I will have to tell Bey, that I'm selling again.

Me staying away from home had never been about me cheating on her.

I mentally could not see myself doing it.

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