Hunt for a Madman

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"...Each Cobalt-enhanced device is wired to detonate every hour on the hour until my demands are met.  In the unlikelihood that any of my devices are discovered, any attempt to disarm one will instantly detonate the remaining simultaneously.  You have no choice but to do as I say.  Once my demands are satisfied, any undetonated bombs will be rendered inactive.  You have one hour..."

"Marcus Devareaux is the leader of a fringe white supremacist organization known as 'Aryan Liberation'."  Eric Beale began.  "His group has been malingering around the edges of surveillance for the last ten years or so.  The 'A-L' have been engaging in minor plays for power and prominence while quietly amassing a small fortune to finance this happy little attempt at a coup."

"Devareaux believes that our country has been diluted by what he calls 'an infection of inferior races that have overrun our glorious nation'."  Nell added.  "He believes it's his God-given responsibility to eradicate the minorities in this country."

"That's just great."  Deeks grumped.  "Yet another idiot entertaining thoughts of racial cleansing.  It's starting to get old."

"The difference is that this jack-wagon believes his cause is just and he's willing to spill innocent blood to accomplish his goals."  Kerigan hissed. 

"The first explosions were demonstrations of his sincerity."  Callen said. 

"He's flexing his muscles and pounding his chest."  Sam added.  "Now that he's got our attention, he wants to prove that he's holding all the cards...which in this case, he does." 

"And that ill-fated notion will be his ultimate downfall, Mr. Hanna."  Hetty interjected.  "His pride will blind him to our subtle incursion into his realm.  It will be far too late when he realizes that he has been check-mated'.  It is time to take control of this game."

"I couldn't agree more, Henrietta."  Associate NCIS Director Owen Granger added from the doorway.  "SecNav has authorized extreme sanction.  Do what you do best to bring Aryan Liberation to its knees."

"Understood, Owen."  Hetty acknowledged as he exited from Ops.  "Ms. Jones I want all the information concerning the people he's demanding to be released and their affiliation to Aryan Liberation.  Mr. Beale I want you to identify the location of every device; concentrating on large radioactive signatures with Cobalt-60 and any other nuclear isotopes in the vicinity."

"On it."  Eric and Nell replied in unison, their fingers flying over their keyboards. 

"Mr. Hanna and Mr. Callen."  Hetty turned to her two lead field agents.  "Coordinate with the local National Guard EOD specialists and assist with location and neutralization of these explosives."

"Right, Hetty."  Callen barked as he and Sam departed. 

Hetty finally focused her attention on the last four agents awaiting her orders. 

"Mr. Deeks, you have the lead on this operation.  I want the four of you to hunt down Marcus Devareaux and his associates."  Hetty's voice descending into a dark, nearly sinister whisper to her strike team.  "Extreme sanction is authorized.  Am I clear?"

"Crystal, Hetty."  Barringer replied, his voice just above a whisper and ice-cold. 

As the NCIS strike team left Ops, Kerigan pulled Clay aside, noticing that his usual cool, calm demeanor had changed dramatically.  Looking into his brilliant hazel-gray eyes Kerigan could see the conflict; the anger and a touch of uncertainty just beneath the surface.  Laying a gentle hand to his nearest arm, Kerigan turned him to face her, worry very evident on her face. 

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