Train Rides

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  I am so sorry I have not updated this in so long, but I fear it has slipped out of my fingers. I have moved from the US and am now living in Australia. I love it here and I am not working so I should have more time on my hands. I have already started writing lots of other stories. I know I should finish the ones I already have. But there is something I wish to do. I am going to post this last chapter and that will be the end of this story. BUT I am going to be going through it and reworking it. I feel there are a lot of errors and I want to either edit and re-upload as an edited version or I am going to use the same outline and start from scratch. So this chapter is the last of what I wrote on this fic. I am sorry it's so short and that I am rambling. But I will be posting some new Hermione and Severus fics so you all have something new. All my love


"Hold on, my dear. We are not Apparating." Severus turned her to him and enclosed her in his arms wrapping her up in his robes as he had that morning. Hermione looked up at him thoughtfully before gasping; Severus smirked, she always was a quick study. "Please hold on tight, love. I will not let harm befall you." He kissed her lightly and Hermione instantly melted against him with a quiet sigh of pleasure. Hermione pulled away and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, pecked a kiss to his lips, then buried her face in his chest. Severus smiled and just held her for a minute; he pressed a kiss to the top of her head and she looked up at him. "Are you ready, love?" He chuckled as she nodded enthusiastically then buried her head against his chest again.

"Whenever you are ready, I will be fine, Severus." She held him tighter in anticipation and Severus nodded to himself. "I am assuming that this, whatever you may call it, is not covered in the anti-apparation wards, since it is not Apparating." Hermione mused and Severus let out a chuckle.

"Always so inquisitive for information, but yes, you are right as ever, my dear." He teased and Hermione smiled to herself; she was a little scared, but she was excited, more than anything else. "You may wish to keep your eyes closed; the first few times can turn your stomach, especially with your eyes open." Severus warned, remembering their arrival, he thought for sure she would be sick in the alley. Hermione nodded and screwed her eyes up tightly; she wished he would just get on with it.

"Alright then." Severus purred into her ear, she shivered even though she was more warm than cold. Severus focused his magic and within seconds they were flying towards the castle in a blur of black and grey smoke. He threw a burst of magic at the window and it opened to let them soar through it. They landed on the couch in a heap with Severus looming over Hermione's smaller form.

"That was fun!" Hermione squealed and grasped his face with both hands before kissing him. Severus chuckled and kissed her back, he was still hovering over her and Hermione pulled him down on top of her, winding her legs about his waist and her arms about his neck.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, love. I've only ever flown with one other person." He admitted then went back to kissing her. Hermione moved against his lips and nibbled his tongue causing him to growl.

"Who would that be?" She asked already assuming the answer was Lily; but the curiosity got the best of her anyway.

"Minerva." He stated simply then began devouring her mouth in earnest. Hermione let out a small moan and tangled her fingers in his hair. She wanted to ask more, but Severus wouldn't let her up for air. She finally broke away with a gasp and looked at Severus, his eyes were hooded with desire and Hermione bit her lip. Fuck, she wanted him. Bad.

"Hmm, what are you thinking about, love?" Hermione asked and Severus looked down to her lips then back up to her eyes.

"Just how much I want you right now." He whispered huskily and Hermione flushed; she wanted him too, but she didn't think she was ready for that, yet. Hermione wriggled underneath him and Severus got off of her, helping her up off the couch.

"Thank you, I am afraid things were getting a little too warm." She smiled and Severus cleared his throat, as much as he wanted to have a repeat of that morning they had things to do. He simply nodded and raised an eyebrow at Hermione causing her to flush prettily. "What would you like to eat? We could do something light and read until it's time to board the train." Hermione mused aloud and Severus nodded.

"Something light should do." With that he called an elf to prepare some finger foods and Hermione was delighted when there were cheese sticks; they were a favorite of hers and she munched on them happily as Severus chuckled at her. They ended up reading together on the couch after that then getting ready for the train. Hermione had to wear teaching robes over her clothes, since she was to be Severus' apprentice she had to look the part. He purchased her a beautiful set of forest green robes with a gold trim. Slytherin and Gryffindor. She had remarked and hugged him tightly then proceeded to kiss him, leaving him breathless before going to change. They were now both on the train and Hermione sighed as she strolled down the walkway checking on students.

"Hey! Give that back!" A girl yelled from the compartment on the right and Hermione slid open the door. She found Kalina trying to get her wand back from a group of 3rd year Gryffindors.

"Miss Shurski, is there a problem here?" Hermione eyed the three Gryffindors with a look of distaste and one of them, Lester Funter, if she remembered correctly, gave Kalina back her wand.

"No, Hermione. She just dropped her wand is all." Funter told her and she scowled at him she straightened herself and looked at him with the same way Minerva would if she was scolding a child.

"That is Professor Granger, to you Mister Funter." She looked down at him and he baulked.

"O-Oh, of course, ma'am. Sorry." He turned to Kalina. "Sorry, for taking your wand." With that they scurried out of the compartment. Hermione let out a sigh when the door closed.

"Kalina, are you alright?" She looked down at the little girl and she ran up to her. Kalina wrapped her arms around her middle and hugged her tightly. "Oof." Hermione let out a small laugh and hugged the little girl back.

"Thank you, Professor." She backed away and smiled at her. "I cannot wait to have class with you, but you probably have rounds right now, I will not keep you, but hopefully I can swing by your office sometime." Kalina swiftly set down with a heavy tome and cracked it open to start reading.

"Of course, anytime." With that she exited swiftly and continued her rounds, her robes swirling behind her, much like her Potion's Master counterpart. Severus must have had them made like that, as his apprentice should be in similarity to him. She made her way to the compartment Severus was in and slid the door open.

"Well, I have already asserted my presence here as a Professor now, three times." She let out a sigh and collapsed onto the plush seat next to Severus.

"Well, you are doing a fine job, I guess it's my turn." He dropped a kiss on her mouth and Hermione smiled before pulling out her book and starting to read. "I will leave you with your reading, love." He kissed the top of her head, then billowed out the door. Hermione chuckled and shook her head, he was a right mess. She dove right into her book and didn't even notice when Severs came back in.

"Hermione?" He called for about the third time, she finally popped her head up and looked at him. Severs chuckled and sat down next to her, finally letting himself relax into his seat. Hermione scooted up next to him and rested her head on his shoulder as she read. "Enjoying your book, love?" He asked and Hermione looked up at him with a slight glare.

"Yes, now shush." She returned to her book and Severs laughed, deep and rich making her smile. "Please." Hermione added and Severs wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Of course, dear." He pulled out a book of his own, his hand lightly rubbing her arm. They read silently for a while until Severus stood. "Time for patrols once more." He opened the door for her and they made their way around their designated section of the train. They bumped into a few Gryffindors attempting to intimidate some of the younger students.

"Oh! Hermione, how are you?" Hermione couldn't remember who the student was but, somewhat recognized the face.

"That is Professor Granger to you." Severus sneered at the student and Hermione fought a smile, of course he would defend her, not to mention she was his apprentice. As the train ride progressed they had to deal with a few more incidents and inform the students oh who Hermione was now. Word was spreading quickly, but obviously not quickly enough.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2018 ⏰

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